Klaus Schwab’s ‘World Economic
Forum’ Cuts Off “All Relations”
Russia, Scrubs Putin From
WEF Website

Submitted by V

Putin’s detractors argue that he is part of a perverse
supranational game of nations that want to grab a piece of
the pie. Perhaps in the past he had to submit to this game,
but about twenty years ago, when he realized that this game
was leading his country to dissolution in favor of the New
Zionist World Order, he radically changed course by deciding
to save Russia on its roots, at the same time modernizing (for
exclusively defensive purposes) the gigantic military
apparatus of the former Soviet Union. Most people have not
yet realized (thanks to the lying Zionist propaganda
dominating the West) that Putin and Russia are not at all in
agreement with the plans of the Satanist globalists, because
the Russians know very well, to have it experienced for 70
years on their skin, the Jewish Nazi-Communism that the
globalist Satanists want to establish on the whole planet. The
West is so profligate (for at least 80 years of Jewish
propaganda and corruption coming mainly from the wealthy
United States) that it does not understand the radical change
of Russia and Putin himself in the last 20 years, which for this
reason represents the last chance, not only for Russians, but
for all of humanity, to save the Christian civilization in
particular, which Judaism, for 2000 years, has wanted at all
costs to erase from the face of the earth. This is its main
purpose: to fight the Son of God by making itself god of itself,
to establish its totally materialistic kingdom in frontal
opposition to the kingdom of Jesus which “is not of this world”
and in favor, exclusively of the Jews, who consider themselves
the only worthy human beings, while the Goyim (non-Jews)
are classified as animals.

A few years ago Putin visited Pope Francis and, certainly
knowing the apparitions of Fatima that speak explicitly of
Russia, asked the pope to consecrate his country to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the request of the
Virgin to Sister Lucia. The Vatican, being entirely controlled by
Freemasonry (from the election in 1958 of the Rosicrucian
Freemason pedophile Angelo Roncalli), Pope Francis, himself
a Jew and a Freemason, did not even want to hear about
Fatima, which Freemasonry knows very well to the point of
murdering the real Sister Lucia in 1949 and replacing her with
the fake one, which appears in some photos next to the Jew
Montini / Paul VI and the Jew Wojtyla / John Paul II.

It is true that Putin was an agent of the KGB and perhaps also
of Jewish origin (as the aforementioned detractors like to
point out), but, thank God, a man’s life can always change. If
God thought and acted with the narrow-mindedness and
malice of men, NOBODY would be saved. Probably the
communist regime, like all dictatorships, chose him as an
agent and was forced to accept and become an agent of
the KGB. As for his Jewish origins, I don’t know exactly, maybe.
I rather know that he spoke of his baptism (obviously received
in secret, in 1952) with emotion in a recent interview, adding
that his parents had a Christian funeral in the St. Petersburg

It is symptomatic that the Internet is increasingly blocking
access to material that testifies to this change. I apologize for
probable inaccuracies, but this is the gist.

The Russian people have very strong and deep Christian roots
and traditions that were brutally repressed during the Jewish
Nazi-Communist regime that began with the massacre of the
very Christian imperial Romanov family, re-emerged with the
fall of the USSR, but above all with Putin. The Zionist globalists
provoked the controlled implosion of the USSR (Perestroika,
Gorbachev in the 1980s) to take control of Russia, because
the communist regime was established in 1917 by the Jewish
Lenin and his comrades, most of whom they were Jews like
him and the Zionists of today. They tried with the alcoholic
Yeltsin, but they failed and Putin took charge of the situation
to save his country from catastrophe. When the false attack
of September 11, 2001 opened his eyes, he understood the
true intentions of global Zionism and began to modernize the
immense military apparatus of the former Soviet Union,
returning at the same time and above all to his Christian roots.
It is very likely that Patriarch Kiril (after the incredible and
shameful refusal of Francis) consecrated Russia to the Mother
of God and that the Blessed Virgin accepted this act. There is
no different explanation for this type of miracle which was the
change of Russia from the former Soviet Union.

The Zionist globalism of the Jews Rothschild, Blinken, Nuland,
Schwab, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller etc., soon realized that
they could no longer count on Putin and decided to
overthrow him at all costs, because he represents an armed
obstacle to the teeth almost insurmountable, to the
realization of its New World Order. Indeed, Russia has no
intention of losing its sovereignty, its culture, its traditions to
return to the NWO’s global Jewish Nazi-Communist
dictatorship. This is why the situation is very serious, because
there is no other way out than war, certainly nuclear,
because NATO has a larger military apparatus than Russia,
which nevertheless has the largest atomic arsenal in the
world. The West is convinced that Russia will never use its
nuclear arsenal fearing so-called MAD (Mutual Assured
Destruction), but Putin made it clear in a recent speech that
Russia (which already has enough anti nuclear power plants,
which can accommodate 40 million Russians with all the
comforts), is ready to blow up the world (and has all the
means to do so), rather than losing its sovereignty, its
traditions, its values, its roots rediscovered and restored, which
the Zionist Jews want to destroy, which obviously would
amount to the destruction of Russia. This is why Rothschild at
the top of the Illuminati pyramid and his multi-billion dollar
collaborators, especially Jews around the world, are furious
and don’t know what to do to stop him, because he is
destroying their centuries-old Messianic plans of world
conquest, massive depopulation and enslavement. (in the
service of the Jews, of course) of the 500 million survivors of
Covid and world war. We are therefore on the eve of a
confrontation between the globalist Zionist Satanist West
(USA / NATO / Israel) and the East (Russia and its main allies
China, Iran, India).

God, (who is Love, but also infinite Justice), whose almost total
absence in the hearts of contemporary men is the primary
cause of what is about to happen, will use Russia (called in
Sacred Scripture, “King of the North”) to carry out a terrible
cleansing of the planet, getting rid of its declared enemies,
direct or indirect, conscious or unconscious, because we
know that ignorance of human law is legally inadmissible. All
the more reason the obstinate and voluntary ignorance (not
to say contempt) of the divine law is even more inadmissible,
as happens today all over the world, especially in the
dissolute West. This is the cause of the next flood, which this
time will not be of water, but of nuclear fire.
Let us prepare ourselves with prayer and trust in God, who
never abandons those who have unshakeable faith in His love
and in His mercy.


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