Kiev Turns Off All Russian Gas Transiting Through Ukraine: Utter Insanity, Calculated Punishment, Deliberate Provocation, or All 3?!

Hardcore Neocon Zionists are generally
known to be criminally insane psychopaths, vengeful to the extreme and genocidal warmongers.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Only a Zio-Anglo-American-controlled puppet like Drama Queen-in-Chief Volodymyr Zelenskyy could be ordered to make such a dumb and drastic move as shutting down the Russian gas pipelines in Ukraine.  Right after scolding the EU for falling down on the warmongering job, in so many ways that only European countries could, while conversely praising the USA for their unwavering support of his barbaric Nazi regime, Zelenskyy goes ahead and turns off the gas.  Not only was this daft and dangerous maneuver intended to punish the EU, it further inflames the many tensions across Europe that started with Zelenskyy’s triggering the Ukraine War.

State of the Nation

Now Warmonger-in-Chief Zelenskyy’s main mission is dragging all of Europe into war with Russia, as a prelude to starting World War III in the Ukraine.

Ever since the breakup of the Soviet Union, globalists like George Soros have been setting up the Ukraine to become the flashpoint for world war.

In point of fact, the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 was made to happen by the hidden cabal of Zionist and Globalists who had actually owned and operated the communist behemoth since 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

That means the world’s worst warmongers have had over 30 years to transform the Ukraine into a most combustible tinderbox.  The very same tribe of inveterate warmongers used a similar playbook to start both World War I and II.

For instance, just look at the pre-war mischief carried out by those same genocidal maniacs prior to provoking the First World War.

See how active the banksters were setting up World War I

What’s the critical point?

Zionist Drama Queen Zelenzkyy is being used daily to incite all of Europe to war—WORLD WAR.

His first treacherous mission was to provoke Russia to invade, which he carried out flawlessly.  In so doing, he has sacrificed his nation ostensibly to his American and British masters, but actually to his Neocon Zionist warlords safely sequestered in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  Hard proof has demonstrated that citizens across the Ukraine have been murdered in cold blood by the Azov Battalion, other militarized Neo-Nazi groups, as well as by the AFU on orders from their utterly traitorous Commander-in-Chief.

That Zelenskyy has been able to wantonly kill his own people while the whole world watches, and as the global mainstream media sings his praises at every turn of events, is proof positive of the extraordinary power and pervasiveness of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.   After all, the Central Intelligence Agency would eventually be thoroughly Nazified with the prior execution of Operation Overcast followed by Operation Paperclip whereby top-ranking Nazi officers and scientists were systematically relocated to the United States under the protection of the U.S. Federal Government.

What this really means is that the USA is nothing but the unspoken Fourth Reich.  Which means that Nazi Germany was purposefully set up to be the short-lived Third Reich, and a real paper tiger at that.  In this way, all the talent and technology that made Hitler’s war machine so formidable was surreptitiously transferred to American shores to be used to methodically expand and strengthen the US Empire … actually the UK-US Empire … … … really the Zio-Anglo-American Axis which really revolves around the apartheid state of Zionist Israel.

Ukraine & Europe’s Energy Wars

Just as the Second World War was ultimately sparked by the oil and gas wars engineered worldwide by the banksters, so, too, is World War III brewing in a similar manner throughout Europe.  As a matter of historical fact, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was all about the West cutting off Japan’s desperately needed supplies of imported energy.

Fast forward to 2022 and all involved parties are trying their hardest to create a full-blown energy crisis across the European Union.  The well concealed co-conspirators in this criminal plot know that when the quality of life of every European citizen is sufficiently degraded, the hot phase of WW3 is just around the corner.

Here’s how VERY bad actor Zelenskyy is being utilized as the chief pawn on the regional geopolitical chessboard to exacerbate the dire energy predicament across the Eurozone any way he can.

First: Ukraine’s Zelensky praises US, scolds EU to set up conflict and competition

Next: Zionist Warmongers Order Zelenskyy to Turn Off All Russian Gas to Europe

Then: Here’s why Ukraine was forced by its US-UK-EU masters to shut down all Russian gas pipelines.

The BOTTOM LINE here is that World War III will be started in ways similar to the two previous world wars, and by the same Zio-Anglo-America banksters to boot.

State of the Nation
May 12, 2022

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