Read this perceptive comment before you judge the recent moves by the FED.

“Wakeup people. The Fed is under the control of the White Hats, not the NWO/Davos Satanists. Sanctions and raising interest rates are destroying the EU. Home of the NWO. Russia from the east has taken down their money laundering operation in the Ukraine. Fed raising interest rates will take out the NWO’s European Union. Their banks can’t handle it. EU will break up and go back to sovereign nations. NWO is finished. Then they have to finish the cleanup of the Deep State here. Recent Supreme Court rulings and blowing up the NWO’s Georgia Guide Stones says the Deep Sate is not in charge anymore. So, what’s left will do everything to create chaos. And they still own the MSM. But not for long.”

Posted by Gary Allison


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