Anathema for Abuse of Church Office

God’s law versus sodomy
God’s anathema

Secretariate of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


Any bishop or priest who abuses church authority and promotes sodomy brings down on himself ipso facto God’s curse and expulsion from the Church for preaching a false gospel, i.e. unbiblical church teaching (cf. Gal 1:8).

“The earth is defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left.” (Isa 24:5-6)

We know that God’s threats in the past were averted when the people repented. But if the present-day Church refuses to repent, Jesus says: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)

The damned, however, will not only perish but be burned forever: “And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Rev 20:10)

There is a difference between one who is prone to sodomy and fights against this impure passion so as not to sin, and one who is in rebellion against God, removes God’s law, no longer calls sin sin and imposes it on others as the new norm. Such behaviour is satanic. It is a public rebellion against God and His commandments and against objective moral standards.

For such an attitude, God’s curse falls primarily on bishops and priests who approve of sodomy and thus preach anti-repentance. A frightening example is the so-called synodal path, promoted especially by the bishops in Germany. Pseudo Pope Francis tacitly approves of it, thereby deviously promoting the legalization of perversion, contrary to God’s Word. God’s Word, on the other hand, warns that the punishment for sodomy coupled with impenitence is eternal fire:

“In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jud 1:7)

“Men committed shameless acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” (Rom 1:27)

“(God) condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.” (2Pe 2:6)

In the Old Testament, to prevent the spread of this moral infection, God established the death penalty.

“If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” (Lev 20:13)

In the Middle Ages, secular laws punished the act of sodomy with death penalty, like murder or other serious crimes. Under Pope St Pius V, clerics who had committed the crime of sodomy were degraded from office and thus handed over to secular justice. The Pope added: “Otherwise this perversion will not be eradicated.” Muslims still punish the act of sodomy with death.

The fact that the current secular law legalizes sodomy is connected to the global effort to reduce the population, i.e. to exterminate it. It is the height of hypocrisy that it is also promoted by prelates abusing God’s authority.

The current satanic ideology turns everything upside down. It denies natural moral standards, even legalizes crime and immorality, and denies reason and conscience, which we can see in the promotion of gender ideology and so-called transhumanism.

The tragedy is that the current leadership of the Church is accelerating this process of autogenocide of humanity. These are the most serious crimes against God and humanity. They are not only sins against the Holy Spirit, but also sins crying out to heaven! An ordinary Catholic is totally confused by the spirit of this world spreading from the mass media and from changes in public opinion. But what confuses people the most is that this spirit of lies and death is promoted by many prelates.

Even the world is shocked by the so-called synodal path that legalizes sodomy as a new teaching of the Church. In fact, it is a false gospel for which God’s curse falls on those who promote it and those who accept it. We hear of Flemish bishops openly advocating sodomite marriage in churches, we hear of the German Bishops’ Conference advocating the same, and again we hear the same of the Bishops’ Conference of Australia and elsewhere. How is it that they are given the green light? Because pseudo Pope Francis promotes sodomy and sodomite marriage at every turn. He even advocates sodomite adoption of children. If present-day Catholics obey this arrogant church hierarchy inimical to God, they are on a false path that leads to eternal destruction.

It must be realized that the sin of sodomy is associated with demonic possession, spiritual blindness, obstinacy and rebellion against God. Many prelates are changing the minds of believers about sodomy by preventing them from repenting. But whoever refuses to repent thereby rejects God’s mercy and has the sentence of eternal death in himself. At the hour of death he will find himself in hell.

God pronounces an anathema, that is, excommunication, so that those who live in obstinacy and rebellion against God may be filled with saving fear, repent and thus save their souls.

Therefore, in obedience to God, by authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, we publish God’s anathema: In the name of the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we hereby declare God’s anathema on every priest and every bishop who publicly promotes the sin of sodomy. Amen. Amen. Amen. If such a deceiver of the faithful, whether a priest or a bishop, does not repent and dies in obstinacy and rebellion against God, he will be eternally condemned in hell.

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                          + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
28 October 2022

BCP: Ban on LGBT propaganda in Russia

Globally, the last several decades have been marked by efforts to legalize sexual deviations and their privileging in society. In view of this, laws are being changed and opponents are being punished with up to three years in prison, if they only promote a healthy family and reject these perversions in accordance with the Bible and natural morality. Students are being brainwashed with lies about the stigmatization of LGBT people, though in reality the opposite is true. LGBT supporters are extremely aggressive and the NWO globalist ideology is using them to discriminate against society, especially against true Christians. They have established a schedule of annual gay prides, which they have forcibly pushed directly into the capitals of individual states. These gay prides aim to change public opinion and subsequently change legislation so that deviants are privileged and normal people are punished as homophobes. In spiritual terms, gay pride propaganda is intended to bring a curse on individual nations, which will result in their satanization and moral and physical autogenocide. LGBT propaganda is systematically implanted into the entire education system, starting with kindergarten. Children’s minds are instilled with the perverse belief that they can choose whatever gender they want. They are then motivated to undergo so-called hormone treatment and subsequent gender reassignment. Such horrific atrocities are being perpetrated on the young generation! Parents can no longer be called father and mother, but new terms such as parent No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 are being introduced with the aim of placing children in so-called homosexual pseudo-families to be morally and psychologically devastated.

British schools have conducted a transgender experiment on children. In 98% of the pupils, it resulted in suicidal intentions and some even attempted suicide. Many who have undergone sex reassignment surgery have been known to end up committing suicide. The promotion of these destructive deviations is directly part of the school curriculum on an international scale according to UN programmes. Supranational organizations such as the EU, CE, WHO and others are pushing laws not only to legalize, but directly to privilege LGBT groups. Poland and Hungary, which resist this globalist dictatorship, are sanctioned by the EU leadership. The promotion of LGBT deviance is so strong in public life, including culture and education, that the youth is totally confused. Young people accept LGBT as the norm and do not realize the consequences that lead to their spiritual, moral and physical suicide. The tragedy is that even the current head of the Catholic Church, the apostate Pope Francis, purposefully promotes these deviations, especially sodomy and transsexuality. He places sodomites in key positions in the Church and thus brings a curse on the entire Catholic Church. He thus changes public opinion not only within the Church, but also outside it. It is an open rebellion against God, cloaked in lofty phrases about love, compassion, listening and accompaniment.

Muslims still punish the act of sodomy with the death penalty. In the Middle Ages, a homosexual act was punishable by death, just like murder or a serious crime. Why? Because it was necessary to prevent the spread of this moral infection, which destroys individuals, society and nations and leads to their self-destruction. The deviant loses his conscience and his mind is obscured; he falls into crime, cynicism and lifelong slavery like drug addicts. The youth, enslaved by this unclean spirit, themselves spread this infection and get out of addiction only with great difficulty. Sodomy leads to the breakdown of families, which are the basic unit of society. It leads to the violation of moral principles that create healthy relationships and disposes to a wide spread of criminality. In addition, it causes mental disorder and, from a spiritual point of view, leaves one open to demonic possession. Jesus delivered people from these unclean demons and cast them out. LGBTQ+ promoters aim to turn society and nations not into an earthly paradise, but into hell on earth, and then hell after death.

It is necessary, however, to distinguish those who have become victims of this demagoguery from those who actively and consciously impose these deviations on the entire society as a binding norm with the aim of its autogenocide.

It is a shame that the Catholic Vatican does not oppose this spiritual and moral infection, which is their primary duty. On the other hand, it is an honour that it is opposed by the majority of members of the Russian Duma. On 27 October, they gave approval to the bill at its first reading on banning LGBT propaganda for youth and adults. The ban applies to mass media, books, cinemas, as well as the Internet and advertising. Those found guilty of pro-paedophile propaganda face a fine of 800,000 roubles. The fine for companies could be up to 10 million roubles. The dissemination of pro-LGBT propaganda among minors, by merely describing or depicting LGBT relationships, is punishable by a fine of up to 200,000 roubles, and up to 4 million for companies. Violation of the ban by any promotion of LGBT sexual relationships is punishable by a fine of 400,000 roubles, and up to 5 million for companies. Approximately 400 members of the Duma, i.e. the absolute majority, were involved in the drafting of the bill. Among them were members of all parties. The Duma speaker said that the ban on LGBT propaganda was not a restriction of rights, but a necessary protection of Russians.

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate thanks all who have responded to the call of Our Lady of Fatima with repentance and prayer for the conversion of Russia. The Mother of God promises that a world catastrophe will be averted.

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                         + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
28 October 2022

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