This Secret Plandemic Agenda Was Much Worse Than What Actually Took Place

Here’s the original COVID-19 Plandemic agenda,
which was vigorously thwarted to a great degree,
by “We the People”.

The pandemic agenda

✔︎ Release the pandemic

✔︎ Suppress all treatments

✔︎ Two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Devastate the nations

✔︎ Wipe out the middle class

✔︎ Impoverish all people

✔︎ Transfer all resources to the cabal

✔︎ Make humanity dependent on them

✔︎ Release vaccines after two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Be praised as the “saviors” of the world

✔︎ Establish permanent worldwide tyranny

Posted by Stop World Control

SOTN Editor’s Note: Because the New World Order globalist cabal failed to accomplished all of their primary Plandemic goals, they are fully prepared to activate their Plan B.  Should Plan B fail, the cabal will execute Plan C.  In other words, they have a whole decade of local contagions, national outbreaks, regional epidemics and/or global pandemics planned for humanity.  Moreover, the Khazarian-directed NWO cabal will not stop until they are completely successful in mandating a vaccine passport worldwide, among other extremely draconian measures and mandates.  Of course, the capstone of their NWO agenda is the formation of a totalitarian One World Government with Jerusalem as its capital.  This is why Israel was the most locked down and vaccinated country on the planet throughout this entire Plandemic.

What this highly oppressive predicament really means is that only We the People can terminate their Orwellian schemes and tyrannical ambitions.  Only mass resistance and massive protests and popular uprisings and civil disobedience on a mass scale and uncompromising demands for consent will shut down their Plandemic juggernaut—FOR GOOD.

Now, Let’s Get Busy ! ! !

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