EU: Manufacturers do not have to tell you that food contains insects

Mats Dagerlind

The climate alarmist movement’s food policy has undergone a radicalization in recent years – from recommendations to eat less meat and more vegetables to forcing people to switch to eating insects. In order to speed up this development, food manufacturers may not have to declare that their products contain the controversial small insects.

That all foodstuffs must be clearly, accurately and comprehensively declared has long been a guiding principle. The consumer has been considered to have the right to know what he or she is ingesting, which raw materials, additives, amounts of a range of substances, vitamins and number of calories. But now the entire planet’s existence is at stake, and to avoid the predicted doom in an alleged climate catastrophe, they are prepared to make exceptions.

In order for the earth to be saved, the message is that we must all abandon our old habits and think progressively. We have to stop flying, driving and many other things. Even our eating habits need to change if the earth is not to meet the same fate as the planet Mars in a few decades.

The message: Eat insects – otherwise the earth will perish

It is no longer enough to cut back on meat consumption or even to become a vegetarian or vegan. The future of the planet now depends on us switching to a diet based on insects. But the actors who want to push through this change in diet have encountered problems with the attitude of the citizens.

It turns out that many people are prejudiced against eating grasshoppers and fly larvae, and time is running out to bring about the change of attitude among conservatives and reactionaries as climate armageddon lurks around the corner. So now the authorities want to try another solution.

If the food manufacturers don’t have to report that their products contain insects, many people with prejudices will buy and consume them without knowing what it is they are putting in their mouths. At a later stage, it can be revealed and the insect opponents are thus convinced that it was only mental blocks that prevented them from participating in saving the earth.

Avoid labeling the products

Concretely, it concerns, among other things, that the EU, known for its many, far-reaching and detailed directives also in the food area, now has no plans to force food manufacturers to state on the label or elsewhere that their products contain insects.

It is confirmed by Stella Kyriakides, the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, on a question from SD’s EU Member of Parliament Charlie Weimers. The decision comes close to Brussels approving crickets and worms in products intended for human consumption.

“The Commission currently has no plans for additional labeling requirements for foods containing insects,” Kyriakides clarified.

According to the European Commission, already existing legislation satisfactorily ensures that the consumer is informed about the content of food products.

Free choice is put out of play

When the approval was announced, it was communicated that it would be a free choice to switch to ” alternative protein sources “. But now they want to speed up the transition and get more people to change their eating habits by not labeling what the products contain. It is unclear whether the European Commission changed its mind or never thought that there would be any concrete option.

Weimers expressed his displeasure with the announcement and expressed in a comment to Breitbart Europe fears that the lack of clear requirements to label products containing insects will lead to them not doing so and that many will not know what they are actually eating. .

– The European Commission is disingenuous when it wants to equate the use of nasty crawling insects with any other source of environmentally friendly protein in food production, said the Swedish EU parliamentarian.

Weimer went on to compare what is happening in the EU to the dystopian film Soylent Green and argued that not everything should be normalized, even in the name of climate protection.

– Many people feel uncomfortable about eating insects and bugs, and I sympathize with that. Foods containing arthropods should have a clear and highly visible label to this effect on the front – not bearing the reptile’s Latin name in the list of ingredients – so that consumers can make an informed choice.

School children are forced to eat caterpillars and insects

Kyriakides denies that the European Commission is under the influence of the World Economic Forum (WEF), from which the strongest pressure has come to switch to eating insects for the sake of the climate. She also does not want to admit that the European Commission is trying to lead consumers behind the scenes by letting the industry avoid clearly labeling its insect products.

The insect stingers have also received criticism for using children as the main target group and figureheads, something that is also generally characteristic of the climate alarmist movement. In Britain and the Netherlands, among others, children have been forced to eat food with insects and larvae in schools in the hope that they will not speak out and be more malleable. It is also hoped that in a next step the children will convince their parents to start eating small insects.

Hungary before labelling

One country that does not intend to accept ambiguity in grocery stores about which products contain insects is Hungary . At national level, mandatory labeling of all such products is now being introduced so that no consumer will risk buying and eating something he or she did not consciously choose.

The country’s Minister of Agriculture, István Nagy, criticized the EU in connection with the decision and made it clear that the government will protect the Hungarian people when Brussels fails.

– The European Commission is putting our gastronomic traditions and eating habits at risk

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