PIERRE ELLIOT TRUDEAU: A Closet Communist Spearheading a Stealthy Fabian Takeover of the Canadian Government

Trudeau Spearheading Fabian Takeover

CANADA: How The Communists Took Contro

Anti-Communist Archives
A-231-5 C-2

The Canadian Intelligence Service


Trudeau Spearheading Fabian Takeover

This article, researched by former RCMP undercover agent Pat Walsh, gives essential background information on the “charistmatic” Mr. Trudeau being created by the mass media and propelled into the Primeministry.  Below is a summary of his background, and on succeeding pages is documentation and elaboration.  — Editor


1940:   “Booted out of the Canadian Officer Training Corps (COTC) during the War for lack of discipline.”  (Robert McKenzie, in Toronto Star, March 3, 1968)

1941:   Associated with anti-War and Red-sup­ported Bloc Populaire in undermining war effort.

1945:   Enrolled at Harvard, spawning ground of leftist intellectuals.

1947:   Attended London School of Economics.  Told Norman DePoe that Prof. Harold Laski, the Marxist, was “the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered.”  (Week­end Magazine No. 13, 1966)

1950:   Was in Shanghai when the Communists took over, and became a rabid admirer of Mao Tse-tung and his Red regime.

1941:  Associated with anti-War and Red-sup­ported Bloc Populaire in undermining war effort.

1945:  Enrolled at Harvard, spawning ground of leftist intellectuals.

1947:  Attended London School of Economics.  Told Norman DePoe that Prof. Harold Laski, the Marxist, was “the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered.”  (Week­end Magazine No. 13, 1966)

1950:  Was in Shanghai when the Communists took over, and became a rabid admirer of Mao Tse-tung and his Red regime.

1951:   Back in Montreal, he launched the leftist publication CITE LIBRE.  Among the well-known Reds who collaborated, we note:  Prof. Raymond Boyer (convicted of Soviet espionage in the Gouzenko Case); Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review; Pierre Gelinas, Que­bec director of Agitation & Propaganda (“Agit­prop”) of the Communist Party.

1952:   Led delegation of Communists to the Moscow Economic Conference.

1953:   Barred entry into the United States as an “inadmissible” person.

1955:   Launched Le Rassemblement, a leftist “united front” rally in Quebec, but the CCF re­fused to join because it was too leftist.

1960:   Led a Communist delegation to Peking for Red victory celebration.

1961:   Social Purpose for Canada, the socialist handbook written by Marxist and NDP leaders, was published, containing a chapter by Mr. Trudeau in which he lauds Mao Tse-tung, urges so­cialists not to “water down” their socialism but to make its approach more “flexible,” and to welcome federalism “as a valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread.”

1962:   Amidst protests, this millionnaire leftist succeeded in gaining appointment as a profes­sor at University of Montreal, which became a pro-Castro stronghold.  Appointed to executive of Red-line Canadian Peace Research Institute.

1963:   Campaigned with NDP against Liberals, whom he called “idiots” because they had de­cided to accept nuclear defence weapons.

1965:   Having decided to use the Liberal Party as an instrument to propel himself to political power, he and leftists Jean Marchand and Gerard Pelletier became‘Liberals’ and were elected to Parliament, where they formed the “New Guard” of the Liberal Party.

1966:   Appointed Parliamentary Secretary to P.M. Pearson.

1967:   Named Minister of Justice.  Credited in Communist press with intervening personally to reinstate hippie rag Georgia Straight, which had been banned by Vancouver Mayor Campbell for obscenity.

Introduced bill to legalize abortion and homo­sexuality, spearheading drive to shift Canadian justice from Scriptural to Humanistic basis.

1968:   Moving, behind fantastic Press-TV build­up, towards leadership of Liberal Party and Primeministry of Canada.


Professor Kenneth McNaught, founder of the pro-Red Fair Play for Cuba Committee in Canada, has observed that “Trudeau’s political fate will likely be the political fate of Canada.”  (Quoted by Ottawa correspondent, Peter Newman, in the Toronto Star, April 25, 1967.)  American Opinion magazine, in a penetrating examination of Canadian policy in its July ’67 issue, observes that “a brief examination of Mr. Trudeau’s background confirms Professor McNaught’s inference that, to the extent that Trudeau extends his influence and is politically advanced, Canada will move toward the Communists.”

Mr. Trudeau is, indeed, being “politically advanced” at an incredible pace by very powerful forces.  Less than five years ago he was attacking the Liberals as “idiots”; and today he is reaching for Liberal leader­ship and the Primeministry!  Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed, that he is grown so great?

This report is not so much to inspect the meat, but rather to examine the background and philosophical direction of this instant Caesar created by the mass media.

Mr. Trudeau’s story during the 1940s is typical of the rich young leftist  — working against military service, against his coun try, and becoming involved in Marxism under socialist influ­ences at university. Note the first four points in the summary on page 1.

But after the universities, as Mr. Trudeau approaches the age of 30, we find him playing an ever more prominent role in the international revolutionary move­ment.  We note his presence in China in 1950 when the Reds were taking over.  We note, too, his launching of the leftist publi­cation CITE LIBRE in Montreal in 1951, with the collaboration of Gerard Pelletier, another leftist who was to join the Liberal Party with him in 1965.  CITE LIBRE became the vehicle for a continuous stream of ‘reform’ writers, including such well known Reds as Prof. Raymond Boyer, the Soviet spy; Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review; Pierre Gelinas, Quebec director of Agita­tion and Propaganda of the Communist Party.

In 1952 we find Mr. Trudeau heading a delegation of ‘businessmen’ — who turned out to be Communists! — to the Moscow Economic Conference.  This outraged even the French-lan­guage daily press to the point that Le Droit (Ottawa) and L’Action Catholique (Quebec City) called him a Communist for his pro-Soviet articles upon his return.  And the fol­lowing year, 1953, we find him barred from the United States, presumably for his left­ist activities.

In 1955 we find Mr. Trudenu using the old “united front” ploy in Quebec, launching La Rassemblement to unite all leftists.  But it was so far left that the socialist CCF party (now the NDP) refused to join.


It has been said that there’s something wrong with a youngster who isn’t a bit of a radical in his teens.  But in his twenties one looks for developing maturity and re­sponsibility.  Certainly, at 40 we expect a man to be responsible for his actions.

And so we come to the ‘Sixties, and find Mr. Trudeau in 1960 leading a Communist delegation to Peking for Red victory cele­brations!  We find him, also, picked up by the U.S. Coast Guard off Key West, as he tries to row to Cuba in a canoe, and deport­ed back to Canada!


In January, 1958, a meeting of Fabian So­cialist intellectuals was called in Ottawa to devise a blueprint of Socialist planning for Canada.  Financed by the Boag Foundation — a trust left by a British Columbian for “socialist education” — these leftist intel­lectuals named an editorial committee to write a book called Social Purpose for Can­ada.  This book was to be the counterpart for the ‘Sixties of the earlier one published in the ‘Thirties by leftist intellectuals en­titled Social Planning for Canada — which had been one of the Mein Kampfs of the early socialist CCF.

It was planned to launch in the early ‘Six­ties, a New Democratic Party, uniting the doctrinaire socialist CCF party with the merged trade unions of the Canadian Labour Congress.  And Social Purpose for Canada was finally published in 1961, just in time for the birth of the New Democratic Party (NDP).  And the editorial committee which produced it was made up of the following well known socialists:

Prof Frank R. Scott, Prof. George Grube, Dr. Eugene Forsey, Prof. J.C. Weldon, Prof. Stu­art Jamieson, Messrs. David Lewis and T. Shoyama, and Prof. Pierre-Elliott Trudeau.

We note in the preface of Social Purpose for Canada this significant statement:

“The ideas contained in this book will, we hope, influence not only the New (Democratic) Party but all political parties in Canada.” (emphasis added)

This is an amazingly candid admission by the Editor, Michael Oliver (who became Re­search Director of the Bi-Bi Commission), insofar as many of the ideas set forth in this textbook of Fabian Socialist planning indeed have rubbed off in recent years on all our political parties.

An alarming aspect which emerges from an examination of this book is the fact that most of the contributors have either infil­trated the Liberal Party and wormed their way into key Cabinet posts, or have kept their socialist NDP allegiance and still been appointed to top-level Government commissions by the Liberals.  The Board of Broadcast Governors, the Royal Commis­sion on ‘hate’ legislation, the Bi-Bi Com­mission and many other Ottawa schemes have been loaded with these Fabians.

  1. TRUDEAU’S contribution to Social Purpose for Canada appears on pages 371-393, in a chapter entitled The Practice and Theory of Federalism.  His article is one of amazing frankness, which bluntly asserts that:  “Federalism must be welcomed as a valuable tool which permits dynamic par­ties to plant socialist governments in cer­tain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread.” (page 373)

Perhaps remembering the CCF’s rejection of his too-radical Le Rassemblement of 1955, Mr. Trudeau berates the CCF for not being “flexible enough” and calls for “greater realism” in these terms:  “My plea is merely for greater realism and greater flexibility in the socialist approach to pro­blems of federalism:  I should like to see socialists feeling free to espouse whatever political trends or to use whatever consti­tutional tools happen to fit each particular problem at each particular time.

And on page 373 Mr. Trudeau explains why he inserted a quotation from Mao Tse-tung “on strategy and tactics” on the previous page:  “Indeed the experience of that superb strategist, Mao Tse-tung, might lead us to conclude that in a vast and heterogeneous country, the possibility of establishing so­cialist strongholds in certain regions is the very best thing.

Space limits us to just one more excerpt from Mr. Trudeau’s chapter (page 385):

“The upshot of my entire argument in this section is that socialists, rather than water down(to use a previous expression) their so­cialism, must constantly seek ways of adapting it to a bicultural society governed under a fed­eral constitution.  And since the future of Canadian federalism lies clearly in the direction of co-operation, the wise socialist will turn his thoughts in that direction…” (emphasis added)

We at least know why Mr. Trudeau is a federalist!  But to get away from his dialec­tical phraseology, in plain words this means for all the intellectual socialists to infil­trate the Federal Government or bureaucracy, and to “adapt” their socialism to welfare schemes, and so on.  And what better place to consolidate a “socialist stronghold” than right in the heart of Ottawa among the sprawling federal bureaucracy?


Now, Mr. Trudeau and his colleagues, Jean Marchand and Gerard Pelletier are socialists.  So are NDP members socialists — socialists out of office.  But the practical socialist is one in office, where he can implement socialism.  The label isn’t important, but the policy is.  And so in 1965, only two years after he supported the NDP and attacked the Liberals as “idiots,” Mr. Trudeau, together with practical socialist colleagues Marchand and Pelletier, joined the Liberal Party and used  it as an instrument to catapult themselves into political office in Ottawa.

Toronto Telegram  columnist, Lubor Zink, put it this way:  “The New Democrats now have three French Canadians in the Pearson minis­try:  Jean Marchand, Pierre-Elliott Trudeau and Jean Chretien.  Not bad for a party which has so far failed to elect a single MP in Quebec under its own banner.”

The rise of Messrs. Trudeau, Marchand and Pelletier since reaching Ottawa in 1965 is in­credible.  Pelletier is now Parliamentary Assis­tant to External Affairs Minister Martin, Mar­chand is Minister of Immigration, and Trudeau is Minister of Justice and reaching for the Primeministry — all in less than three years since conversion.


Trudeau admirer, Peter Newman, in his Toron­to Star column of April 25, 1967, said:

“He (Trudeau) is also concerned with other aspects of the creative use of law.  ‘Justice,’ he says, ‘should be regarded more and more as a department planning for the society of tomorrow, not merely the government’s legal ad­viser …’”

We note here the concept of “creative” law and of a Justice Department concerned more and more with “planning for the society of tomor­row.”  We detect here the concept of a Justice Department not primarily concerned with the up­holding of law and order, but with using law to change and shape the social order.  Thus does law become not a framework for order, but itself an instrument of revolution.

We detect here, too, the concept of a new ba­sis of law — a basis of shifting sociological theory and “social acceptability” ethic.  This concept demolishes the basis of Western civili­zation — that basis being a Scriptural basis, a concept of Man related and responsible to God for his life and actions, with his guide or law  being not any man-made theory but rather the Commandments and exhortations of God’s Word.

It is impossible to exaggerate the significance implicit in this shift away from the Scriptural and over to the humanistic basis of Canadian law.  And incredible is the failure of not only our political leaders but also our religious leaders to speak out.

And it is out of this new concept of ‘justice’ that Mr. Trudeau has spawned his Criminal Code amendments, widening grounds for abortion and legalizing homosexuality.  Last December 5, he urged MPs not to mix the sacred and the pro­fane, not to legislate ethical and moral convic­tions upon society.  In short: divorce morality from law.  But the British Chief Justice, Lord Denning, warned that “without religion there can be no morality, and without morality there can be no law.”

The Trudeau build-up is a frightening dem­onstration of the power of today’s mass me­dia to create and project images and stimu­late blind emotions.  Unless Liberals soon separate the Man from the Myth, their party will be the Fabian Express after April 6.


The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance (Eric D. Butler)
An important little work showing how Fabian Socialism advances the international Communist revolution.  Price delivered  75c

The New Legality (Rev. E.L.H. Taylor, M.A., L. Th.)  A brilliant and penetrating work on religion, morality and law.  $1.00

Order from:  Canadian Intelligence Publications.


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