“The Great Replacement” of the Third Millennium

I think the great replacement theory is not about populations but about organically conceived industries. The pattern seems unmistakable: Replace Big Oil with Big Wind and Big Solar. Replace Ford and GM with Tesla. Replace commercial banks with retail CBDCs. Replace old media empires with Meta and Google. Replace traditional brick and mortar retailers with Amazon. Replace stove and furnace makers with heat pump manufacturers. Replace paper ballots with voting machines and computers. Replace cow and chicken farmers with cricket ranchers. Etc. etc. etc.

Because “replacement” is the goal, the substitutions do not need to make environmental, practical or economic sense; so, the forests get cut down for biomass and farmers are displaced for wind farms. In each of those cases, the customer purchases nothing new, but a substitute for the old product (thus there is little development risk) and often at a higher price.

And any of the smaller businesses that cannot be replaced get regulated to death or put under Larry Fink’s BlackRock ESG umbrella. Thus, the entire economy is government created and sustained, and all the old industries that might have opposed the government are vanquished. It is, after all, the World “Economic” Forum (WEF), not the World “Political” Forum. All IMHO

Comment posted by Roentgenium


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