SOTN Editor’s Note: If one starts with the wrong premise(s), all conclusions are likely to be way off the mark.

So, unless the world understands that Hamas, just like ISIS, was the creation of MOSSAD, CIA and MI6, how can anyone possibly understand the recent Hamas ‘surprise attacks’?

That’s right, you can’t!

Which brings us to the video below: If you don’t understand who established the Zionist State of Israel, how can you grasp the true depth and breadth of the ruthless apartheid regime that the extremely oppressed Palestinians have lived under since day one.

As matter of historical fact, the true story about the outright theft of Palestine from the Palestinians is perhaps the most covered up international and criminal conspiratorial plot of modern times.  So is the ongoing outrageous abuse, systematic maltreatment and unrelenting victimization of the people of Palestine by every Israeli government since 1948.

So, here we have the Netanyahu government basically admitting (without actually admitting) that the IDF and intelligence agencies and secret services altogether allowed the ‘surprise attacks’ to occur, and yet every major organ of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media continues singing the patently false narrative about the so-called Hamas terrorist group.  Just like ISIS (aka ISRAELI SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE), Hamas only carries out terrorist attacks at the direction of its Khazarian masters and Western banksters.

Therefore, all the discussion about this highly calculated October Surprise ought to be directed at why Netanyahu chose to stage Israel’s 9/11 exactly when he did—on October 7th, the very day after the Jews – worldwide – finished celebrating the Fall Feasts on October 6, 2023.  And, why MOSSAD used Hamas to launch this regional war on October 7, precisely 50 years after the Yom Kippur War in 1973.  How coincidental—NOT!

So, then, why did Netanyahu — the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia in Israel — stage this transparent, 9/11-level, false flag, inside job when he was told to.  As follows.

Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by
MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did.

State of the Nation
October 21, 2023

N.B. Please, everyone send out and post the following video everywhere and anywhere—it’s essential viewing for all truth-seekers, and especially American Patriots because the USA is the next target for the Khazarian Cabal.  These nakedly communist perps have already begun their nationwide campaign of systematic discrimination and purposeful marginalization of all white, Christian men of European ancestry in particular.  If not stopped now, it’s gonna get very ugly across American by highly purposeful Khazarian design.

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