Is Israel’s War A Precursor To WW3?

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative Journalist Patrick J. McShay to this week’s program to discuss the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the possibility that this could escalate to a much larger war. The following key questions will be discussed:

Did Israel create Hamas so they could be the aggressors in Gaza and the West Bank?

Why did Bibi Netanyahu order the military to stand down for 7 hours angering many Israeli citizens?

Do Jewish leaders and Rabbi’s have a history of sacrificing their own to further their Zionist agenda?

Are the Jews in Israel today converted Khazar Jews from what is Ukraine today?

Why did the Israelis attack the USS Liberty in 1967, and why did LBJ order a cover-up?

Why have the American people been lied to about Israel’s foreknowledge and involvement in the attacks on 9/11/2001?

Is this another false flag to incite American rage?

Did you know that Lt. General Richard Clark recently told the Israeli media that “American troops should be ready to die for Israel”?

Is Israel guilty of staging terrorist attacks on Palestinian civilians?

Will a nuclear holocaust be the end result?

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Pat.


Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay:

*Zionist Deception and a Geopolitical Powder Keg In Gaza

*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying
*America’s Descent Into Israel’s Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project
*False Flag Syrian Manipulation
*Cent-com, Neo-Cons, and the Syrian Permutation

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites around the world. Mr. McShay is a a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

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