Is a Zionist Identity Crisis leading to WW III

Renee Parsons

Given the ease with which Hamas accessed the Israel perimeter on October 7th and were allowed to commit abhorrent violent assaults on a civilian population; the little resistance from Israel’s famed impenetrable national security state and militaristic readiness immediately raised red flags.   

Hamas is an Islamist extremist organization which has governed the Gaza Strip with Israel and US blessing since 2007.  It has a sketchy past and a less than heroic reputation depending which side they represent at the moment.  

As war crimes abound, there is more to the story as Martin Armstrong presented a nutshell analysis  that rings true with the predetermined details yet to be revealed.  One scenario is reason to suspect that the Hamas attack was deliberately concocted to sacrifice innocent Israeli citizens in order to enflame passions with the ultimate goal of drawing Russia, which wisely remained unwilling to bring out the nukes in Ukraine, into a Middle East war; thus cancelling the US 2024 elections.  Most Americans remain immune to the fog of war, especially those in Congress when the US government is culpable.   


Since October 7th, the Israelis over reacted with their usual disregard for human rights and politically incorrect behavior with a massive arrest of thousands in Gaza and the West Bank, reportedly breaking arms, legs and hands as they usually do to ten year children while denying food, water and necessary medicine;  at the same time bombing hospitals, Churches, bakeries and residential neighborhoods claiming 4000 Palestinians death including 1600 children – as if perhaps Hezbollah has not been paying attention.  

Meanwhile, Putin has Mig 31s over the Black Sea monitoring the two US carrier strike groups in the Mediterranean as the demented American President Biden was refused an audience with the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt and President of the Palestinian Authority as the King of Saudi Arabia refused to meet with Secretary of State Blinken.  Israel’s IDF is lining up to initiate its long-awaited ground incursion and meet its fate in Gaza which promises not to be pretty.


What has yet to be recognized is Israel’s economic incentive to thoroughly destroy Gaza and its 2.3 million Palestinians, half of which are under 15 years old while cutting off all access to water, electricity, and fuel.  An incentive beyond hatred, a consistent air bombing campaign and a proposed ground invasion razing Gaza’s total area of 141 miles to ground level is about to create a level of urban renewal necessitating the flat-earth destruction of every church, neighborhood, school, hospital (against international law) and any other structure in the way of redevelopment. 

It was originally the Trump-endorsed Peace to Prosperity Plan, January 2020,  “Vision to Improve Lives of Palestinians and Israeli People” that laid out the redevelopment plan also known as Presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Vision For Peace.  

Spelled out as a ‘peace plan,’ in reality a massive real estate development scheme to benefit the globalists and redefine the Mediterranean shoreline along the Gaza Strip as immensely valuable as any ocean front property would necessarily eliminate Palestinian ownership of land. The plan included creation of an international resort with casinos, port facilities, elite high end housing and upscale commercial development as well as residential redevelopment of 540 elite home in the West Bank. 

More recently as the war with Hamas heated up, former IDF General Benny Gantz and current Defense Minister confirmed “Our goal is not just to defeat Hamas, but to promise that the south will be 100% paradise,” he added. “After the war, after we win, on any front that we fight, we will be dedicated to this rebuilding.”

In addition, there is a presumption that land has already been sold to some developers as Gantz confirmed that he personally intends to live in the “future paradise” to be rebuilt in the Gaza border region.

In other words, with Peace to Prosperity no longer applicable, Israelis have been impatient for Palestinians to vacate the premises and anxious to pursue its potential land grab with extermination of Gaza’s Palestinian residents as a necessary first step   

Is this conflict beginning to make any sense now?


With Israel being touted as a ‘great’ US ally and therefore requiring US support leaves the question  unanswered whether this ally-relationship is a One Way Street.  While the US has provided, conservatively speaking, a minimum of $158 Billion to Israel since 1948, Israel has currently posted a $3 billion budget surplus (5%) increase in 2022 revenues via a 14% increase in tax revenues.  In other words, Israel may be doing better economically than the US.

While the US  routinely supports Israel’s refusal for a two state solution at the UN or any other human rights abuses that may need a ‘fixer,” what exact benefits does the US collect for being Israel’s chump for the last seventy five years?

With another Congressional auto-pay of its annual $3.3 billion ‘donation’ plus the Biden Administration’s tentative $100 billion to include: $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel,  $10 billion for, excuse the expression, humanitarian aid, $7 billion for Taiwan, and presumably the remainder for the US southern border.   If any nitwits in Congress cannot fathom how the $33 Trillion debt occurred, here you go. 


If any explanation defining Zionism is necessary, check out the remains of the Gaza al Ahli Christian Hospital and the St. Porphyrous Christian Church both of which were providing refuge for civilians and were utterly destroyed by Israeli air attacks.  Twenty two hospitals have been alerted by Israeli authorities to evacuate immediately as they are targeted for air attacks adding to Israel’s impressive list of war crimes. Hundreds of civilians and their children were killed seeking refuge as Quds Hospital is currently expecting an imminent attack. Under international law, all hospitals are protected as a war crime but that never stopped Israel before. 

President Biden’s Oct. 17th confirmation of the Al Ahli attack:  I am outraged and deeply saddened by the explosion at the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and the terrible loss of life that resulted.”

The Patriarch and Heads of Jerusalem Churches met in press conference to condemn Israel’s “criminal atrocious attack” of the Al Ahli Hospital and a statement Mourning Civilian Victims. 


There is a historical context that deserves greater attention: In 1845, the Conference of Rabbis rejected the option of a ‘return to the land of our forefathers and restoration of the Jewish State” and again in 1885, they wrote  we consider ourselves no longer a nation but a religious community” and  “therefore expect neither a return to Palestine nor sacrificial worship.. 

In 1897, the First Zionist Congress, chaired by founder Theodor Herzl and in cahoots with the British Empire, announced their intention to recreate the state of Israel.  With the Ottoman Empire defeat in WW I, the imperialist British Empire with support of the Rothschild dynasty moved in to carve up  Palestine on behalf of the Zionist Federation.  By 1917, the Balfour Declaration took the first step to assume authority over Palestine as it gave British troops the order to seize Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.  

Despite the Palestinians demographic majority, Balfour’s inclusion that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” were meaningless words yet recognized that Palestinian Arabs were descendants of indigenous people for over a Millennia, since at least the seventh century; predominately of the Muslim religion and Arab in its culture and language.  

In 1922, the never-authoritative League of Nations endorsed Balfour encouraging 100,000 jews to emigrate to Palestine which led to a reign of terrorism and assassinations (1936-1939) by the Zionists.  As the Zionist violence continued with murder and bombings of the British Officers Club and the King David Hotel (1946) costing over a total of 750 Brit lives, a deadlock led the British to withdraw and refer the conflict to the United Nations.   

In 1947, the United Nations, still a weak and spineless organization, further legitimized the Zionists land grab when it arbitrarily granted the Partition dividing Palestine to the Zionists.  1947-1949 were refugees displaced from the homes of their ancestors. 

With WW II, displaced Jewish refugees sought immigration as the US and the UK refused admittance.   The Zionists agitated for a permanent home for tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors leading to Palestine; thus began the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their generational home called the ‘transfer’ which was the systematic dispossession of Palestinian peasants and farmers.   

In May, 1948, Israel declared itself an independent state with Nakba (catastrophe) original recognition of forced displacement of almost one million Palestinians as today’s demand by Israel is identified as a ‘second Nabka’ with expectation that it will not be met with the same unwilling withdrawal. 

After seventy five years of excruciating suffering and disempowerment, divorced from their own homeland at the hands of the Zionists, it is clear that the Ashkenazi Jews which claimed heritage to the Palestinian land have no semitic dna and no legitimate claim to biblical territory but are acknowledged as descendants with a Turkish lineage and are thus, interlopers in Gaza and the West Bank.  

And currently as Zionists threaten a ground attack in Gaza, daring Hezbollah, Iran and other middle eastern countries to respond, Hasidic Orthodox Jews continue to challenge the moral authority of Zionist Israel to represent the Jewish religion. 

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

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