President Newsom, anyone?!

Mesquite, NV
October 26, 2023

Newsom in China: It’s ALL Carefully Scripted!?!

by Rich Scheck

The body language of Gavin Newsom with China’s President Xi inBeijing yesterday tells you all you need to know about who is in charge here.

I’m saying all these global events are co-ordinated, carefully scripted by those supporting the Davos Agenda for a NWO and Great Reset.

Newsom is one of the crop of Young Global Leaders that include Trudeau, Merkel, Tulsi Gabbard and others including Ivanka Trump who form the elite corps of future top brass to implement the Agenda of the World Economic Forum. And if my memory serves me, that list includes Putin and Xi, too.

I see Ukraine, Gaza, the Trump indictments, the invasion of our Southern Border, massive censorship, the Vatican’s transformation under this Pope, the selection of the corrupt Biden to run the pro-Green Agenda of the Dems, the UFO craze and maybe even the latest mass killing in Maine as all part of a carefully scripted effort to impose their plan on a resistant humanity, holding back “Progress” because of their antiquated religious and nationalistic belief systems.

Notice that even the apparent MAGA victory of Mike Johnson as House Speaker led to a near-unanimous vote in Congress for supporting Israel demonstrating that for all the divisiveness leading up to that moment, our Government is on board to back the Jewish State which is arguably one of the leading components of this NWO Agenda.

The only way these Globalists can succeed is through the evocation of emergency powers to block the widespread populist resistance to their plans which include depopulation, total central control through AI, CBDC, mass vaccinations, gun control, drastic reduction of oil as a key energy source, changes in the dietary habits including the elimination of meat as part of Climate Change and the continuation of Orwellian wars to keep folks intimidated to justify the draconian measures.

Call it Conspiracy Theory of just The Truth. Many are connecting the dots and putting it all together as the emerging Dystopia takes shape and we are forced to be “happy” owning nothing as Schwab promises those who Obey!

He may actually be right: I’ve been ecstatic most of the last few decades since my life-style of being intentionally home-free kicked in. The difference is that it was my choice. The rest of us are vulnerable to the lies, manipulations and corruption of those promoting their Hunger Games scenario in the name of Transhumanism.

So please pay attention folks. The fight for your future is intensifying and most are unaware that much of what’s happening to them is part of a Big Plan put in motion by unelected officials and/or agents of a non-democratic system they did not choose.

And don’t be surprised if Governor Newsom is (s)elected to be President Newsom very soon because it’s all carefully scripted!

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