The Extermination of the Palestinian People is Not Biblical Prophesy

Renee Parsons

The on going conflict between Israel and Palestine for the last seventy five years has reached a diabolic peak of violence, as the Zionists, presumed heir to the Holy Land, have revealed themselves to be less than representative of divine intervention as perpetrators of an incredibly brutal level of sadistic behavior that threatens world peace in the extermination of the Palestinian people.  

Given The Empire’s hegemony with no interest in pursuit of a diplomatic effort on behalf of any international crisis, there is no leadership in support of a ceasefire forthcoming anywhere in the US, although the much of the middle east and Eurasian countries are deeply involved in diplomatic contacts. Even the America First crowd, normally opposed to continuing the Ukraine war, is being egged on by the assertion that Israel is ‘our best ally,” with the exaggerated biblical claim of Israel as sole heirs to Palestine while theological history disputes that assertion.   

The Biden Administration’s response, with strong bi partisan support of Congress, has been to send more weapons and increase its military presence in Gaza.  Always in the back pocket of the Zionists, near unanimous Congressional votes have been stunning in their absence of understanding any of the history since 1948 or for that matter, any understanding of  Scripture which denies Netanyahu recently asserted  that We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness — we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah.”   Netanyahu’s behavior has proven nothing could be further from the truth. 

As a clever, shrewd ideological salesman, Netanyahu knows exactly how to address the gentile audience with guilt of anti-semitic threats and the holocaust and wield claims of Zionist predominance in the Holy Land.   The deliberate and conscious bombing of churches, hospitals, bakeries and residential neighborhoods causing the deaths of 6,500 civilians and 2,700 Palestinian children in Gaza is the proof that the Zionist do not represent God’s divine will.   

The vision of a return to an ancestral homeland has been a dream of the Jewish people forever, since antiquity.  The Bible describes that since God created heaven and earth, the Jewish people have been given rights, as descendants of Abraham, Isaiah and Jacob with a covenant that they ‘own this land’ forever.   

Such Old Testament thinking is major factor in how current Zionists proselytize that they and they alone are hereditary heirs to biblical prophesy and that they alone represent God’s Only True People, yet the King James Bible presented a new understanding of Scripture as KJV predates Old Testament prophecy.   

The KJV: Acts 15, verses 12-21 concludes all gentiles within God’s covenant and teaches that  we are all God’s people; there is no one sect of humanity, contrary to Netanyahu’s  claim of special status,  more blessed than any other; whether it be  Rabbinical, Orthodox or Torah Rabbis, Palestinians, Gentiles, Christians or Americans including  all mankind on Earth – we are all God’s children in his Kingdom as foreseen ages ago by the Prophets with fulfillment of prophecy.   

There is no question of the legitimacy of  Jesus-based biblical prophecy but the OT covenant is in jeopardy of being broken since the Zionists came on the scene in the late 1800s with establishment of a Jewish homeland as defined by the Zionists.   The Zionists have been identified by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other international human rights groups as an apartheid state and an illegal occupier of stolen land.  

While Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, described as an insurrectionist and heir to the royal throne of David, his teachings of being the Messiah and the son of God were rejected by the Jews and the Sanhedrin; thus his followers became Christians and believers in the Holy Trinity.    

If the Zionists truly represented God’s spiritual nature, they would be loving, generous, kind and benevolent people but their lack of character and integrity  have proven that the war in Palestine has nothing to do with fulfilling biblical prophesy. There is no religion that follows the word of God that would condone such profane unholy, if not demonic, behavior. 

In addition, there is little forensic confirmation that the Ashkenazi Jews who were transported to Palestine after WW II contain semitic dna and have no valid biblical claim to the Holy lands while the Palestinians are the hereditary heirs and the indigenous population of Palestine.  

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC.

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