And “the political pathetic parasites in Washington DC”…..

…are zealously funding and facilitating this Gaza genocide with all deliberate speed.

Any person with a monotheistic view of a divine Supreme Being or Creator entity typically has the desire to do good amongst his or her fellow people. Protect those to weak or fearful to protect themselves and defend infancy and innocence with their last breath.

There are many paths to God and spiritual enlightenment may your path not be too difficult!

Point regarding killing , most faiths are against MURDER not killing!  The person abusing and harming others with total disregard is like the rabid animal that must be stopped typically by killing them, the person abusing a child physically or sexually must be stopped using deadly force!

The blind support for Israel and the IDF is obviously short-sighted and without merit; of course, to come to that conclusion requires independent thinking free from ulterior motives.

Naturally the pathetic political parasites in Washington, DC will have none of that shit as they allow (and enable) the Zionist state and Khazarian Jewish factions to run roughshod over humanity while proclaiming victim status from ‘The Holocaust’, all while perpetrating a holocaust by their own hand.

Ancient hatreds and modern weapons, can’t imagine what could go wrong!

Comment posted by Anonymous



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