The election has already been decided

As the pundits belabor the debate between Governor DeSantis and Governor Newsom, anyone who has a bit of common sense knows that the election was actually rigged in Newsom’s favor on November 14, 2023 when Chinese President Xi Jinping came to San Francisco and Newsom flew the Chinese flags all higher than the US flag. President Xi Jinping was not here on holiday to visit Disneyland.

The US is trillions of dollars in debt. Mostly to China. China is currently experiencing economic turmoil. Surely President Xi wants to make sure that the money it loaned to the US is secure and that interest on the loans are paid. Truly, if you owe anyone that much money, they own you.  Therefore it is in President Xi Jinping’s best interest to have his puppet sitting in the Oval Office.

The telling moment was when current President Joe Biden called President Xi Jinping a “dictator”.  That’s probably the reaction of Joe Biden finding out that “dictator” Jinping was choosing Newsom instead of Biden. Sorry folks, like it or not, the election has already been decided.

Submitted by Cea Clearly
SOTN Exclusive

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