The Big Truth: Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election!?!

Cathedral City, CA
February 7, 2024by Rich Scheck

Whether you like Trump or not (I don’t), there are plenty of reasons to believe the 2020 election was stolen.

Those like Morning Joe/Mika who constantly display Trump Derangement Syndrome by
gloating how the MAGA faithful support the Big Lie may one day have to eat their hat as
more data continues to be unearthed indicating the Big Truth that Trump actually won.

For me it doesn’t matter that much whether the above survey or any other effort like
Mike Lyndell’s research indicating that the results were distorted to usher Biden into the
White House are correct.

That’s because I believe that irrespective of who the actual winner was, the entire political
system is so broken and tainted with corruption that neither party or candidate deserves
the respect of the electorate who seem doomed to stay stuck in the two party loop of bait
and switch incompetence from the DC Swamp.

That reality is being demonstrated in spades right now as the ridiculous “border security”
legislation goes down in flames with Congress mired in a level of divisiveness rarely
seen even in Banana Republics.

The mere fact that the act was structured to include so many controversial and unrelated
matters shows how manipulative our leaders are. This “Biden Bundle Bill” somehow linked aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and even to Gaza with the effort to deal with the border crisis.

The lack of sincerity inherent in such an obviously politically motivated effort seems to have gone unnoticed by Schumer, McConnell, the MainStream Media and most others claiming to want it passed although its collapse has led to some recent switches.

There is so much wrong with every aspect of each of these issues, especially the border
invasion, that the arguably clever attempt at linking them, was an obvious ploy to do the
typical rope-a-dope, kick the can down the road maneuver to avoid serious moves for
effective action.

Getting back to Trump and the 2020 election, the lack of integrity with the mail-in ballots
combined with the unusual cover of the covid crisis made the election results suspect
on its face. Combine that with dubious executive action by various governors in swing
states to change voting procedures that were constitutionally suspect and the failure of
the courts to find them improper remains a mystery that the Big Lie crowd justifiably points to gleefully.

I have no answers to why that happened nor why the Supreme Court allowed Bush, Jr.
to “steal” the 2000 election from Gore. But my intuition tells me that was another example
among many that is consistent with my thesis that the Constitutional Republic created by
the Founders is dead and that the so-called elections held every 4 years are meaningless
to the extent they represent a true reflection of what the voters want.

With each passing day, the various crises like the national debt explosion and the unrestrained surge of illegals crossing into the US indicate a bleak future for those who survive what now seems the inevitable collapse of Pax Americana as the natural consequence of its imperial overreach.

That the honest efforts of a journalist like Tucker Carlson to inform the American public of the views of Russian President Putin can be met with such hysteria and insane calls for his arrest as a traitor also shows how even the sacred First Amendment protections are being ignored by the class of traitors whose thirst for power and need to cover-up their massive policy failures are the hallmark of the early 21st Century.

Sadly, the real Big Truth is that we live in a Huxwellian World of dystopian elements so evil and besmirched by tainted processes that even the best of us are hard pressed to live with any level of integrity to make us worthy of being called a decent, authentic human being.

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