JOHN KAMINSKI: A Truly Courageous Author, Intrepid Researcher & Heroic Patriot

A Great American Patriot Has Passed

State of the Nation

No one wrote the unvarnished truth about the most dangerous scourge destroying America like John Kaminski did.

Rather than talk about that devastating plague, it’s better to read his own words here: So sorry about tomorrow.  That specific piece was actually John’s last posted article on his website.

That’s not say that there aren’t many other brave commentators and valiant writers who have exposed the same pox on the America Republic, only that John was particularly fierce and incisive in his highly accurate exposés.

Truly, it’s quite amazing that John lived as long as he did in light of the savagery and vindictiveness of his enemy.  Many an investigative journalist has taken up the same precarious cause of highly radioactive revelations over the decades and not lived very long to finish their mission.

John was kind enough to send us here at SOTN daily emails with various posts that were always quite topical and relevant and significant to the “State of the Nation”; and we appreciated it very much.

May our dear friend John Kaminski rest in peace for all of eternity… … …
and our sincere condolences to his family.

SOTN Editor
February 8, 2024




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