How the US ZOG made sure the truth about Jeffrey Epstein’s whereabouts and alleged death was covered up.

“True, they [Zionists] lack empathy, they have no problem finding psychopaths and sociopaths to serve and protect them, it’s the entire government from the top down, every branch of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, including the Supreme Court. It’s the forever corrupt Senate confirms every position of power and authority in Israel’s government in Washington D.C., it’s one big circle of corruption and a never ending cycle, the circle and cycle can’t be broken because the forever corrupt Senate will never confirm anyone would break the cycle, they won’t be allowed within the circle, in many cases it’s a revolving door. The former Attorney General was most likely involved in a conspiracy to commit murder in the death of Jeffrey Epstein [that is if he’s even really dead], the current Attorney General is covering for his predecessor because it involves Israel, he wouldn’t have been confirmed by the forever corrupt Senate if he wasn’t loyal to Israel, and he is one of them.”

Comment posted by Free the world


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