Did you notice how the disastrous Afghan withdrawal was timed just before the West provoked Moscow to protect the Russian speakers in Donbass?!

The withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan
was completed on Aug 30, 2021 while the Ukraine War
was provoked to begin just 5 months later in February
of 2022.

That tells you how out of touch the Jewish supremacists, who control the US government are with the people. The vast majority oppose funding for the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine, and want the borders secured. The Jewish Schumer is right that spending $200 billions on war and genocide, while ignoring the invasion at home will “greatly impact the security of Western democracy”. He forgot to say that it will negatively impact it, not to mention that it will further impoverish the US while making the Jewish supremacists even richer. What most people failed to understand about the war in Afghanistan is that it was used as an operation to siphon money from the American taxpayers and into the pockets of the Jewish supremacists who orchestrated that and many other wars. People think it was a defeat when in fact it was never about winning but about perpetuating it for as long as possible. Once there is a more lucrative scheme on the horizon, then one can abandon that cash cow for the new one. And on and on the Americans are tricked into dying in criminal wars of aggression and having their own wealth eradicated while slaughtering and maiming millions of innocents abroad. The US is not the land of the free, but merely a colony of Israel.

Comment posted by Libertus


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