Senate Uniparty Votes Another National Security Catastrophe

Renee Parsons

Despite its lack of sharp-edged questions including revelations about his relationship with former President Donald Trump, the Tucker-Putin conversation still managed to drive HRC and other  American Deep State hustlers up the wall, just as the MSM gnashed their teeth in exasperation that they themselves were  unfit to conduct a one-on-one as a Journalist who has achieved international status.

Putin, however, wisely used every opportunity to make his point.  Going back to 862, Putin described the origin of the Rus to extemporaneously define the evolution of his country with reference to Catherine the Great’s Black Sea and Ukraine acquisitions and as an Orthodox Christian state, covering a 1,000 year period.  

If Tucker’s instinctive intent was to expose Putin’s authentic governance style, Putin himself remained in total command of the exchange to which few, if any, American politicians might ever aspire.   

With no comparable leader who might have addressed fellow Americans similarly as Putin or who might have conducted a corresponding diplomatic give-and-take on the world stage, the American public would, after following the Tucker-Putin interview, might legitimately feel short-changed.  

As the USSR collapse brought an end to the Cold War, the fact that the Russian Federation was no longer communist, had blossomed into a free market economy and that the ideologic divide had been eliminated – were all for naught as the Americans never viewed the geopolitical shift through the same lens.  Clearly, the Americans historically preferred an adversarial relationship with Russia’s geo-military history and its natural resources as a powerful incentive.   

As NATO bombed Belgrade in 1999 fragmenting Russia’s Yugoslav ally into the less influential Serbia and Kosovo, the Russians discovered their presence was not in sync with the hegemonic strategy the US and its collective west allies already had in the pipeline.  

Admittedly, it would be too much to expect that the Tucker-Putin conversation might have been watched by those members most in need of introspection which would have required an actual analytical process; with an IQ not a sole determinant for intelligent decision-making.  The T-P could have provided a stimulated personal cerebral process to reconsider previous valid suppositions as misguided or just plain not in the best interests of the country.  

Sen. Mike Lee’s (Utah) heroic four-hour filibuster is one example of the level of engagement missing from many Electeds.  

Within days of Tucker-Putin, the slothful Senate voted final approval in the early morning hours after a series of legislative gizmos by a 70 – 29  vote on behalf of  a $95 billion foreign aid ‘national security’ supplemental without asking the essential question:  In an era of a $34 Trillion debt, define exactly where the national security interest lies?

The remainder of the Supplemental included: 

No closed border provision with $61 billion advocated for a futile, useless, already-done, defeated war that has exterminated at least one generation of young Ukraine boys and men.    

$14 Billion allotted for Israeli bandits who prefer American dollars rather than taxing their own citizens; 

$2.4 Billion to remove those pesky Houthis equipped with home made drones from their own territorial waters through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, 

$4.8 Billion to run two US Navy carrier strike groups through the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea as an example of the Looking-for-Trouble chapter in international law, 

$9.2 Billion of sustenance in humanitarian assistance for Gaza, Ukraine and the West Bank – the majority of which will probably be intercepted by the IDF or Black Sea pirates and never reach the intended victims of US benevolence. 

And lastly, as if there were not enough unknown, undocumented immigrants crossing the border, let’s provide another $4.4 Billion for travel expenses. 

If all this is added up, in the face of a $34 Trillion debt breathing hot-and-heavy on an imminent fiscal eruption, it would be reasonable to inquire What is Wrong with These People? The CBO projects deficits to grow to $1.8 trillion by 2025, $2.0 trillion by 2031, and rise to $2.6 trillion by 2034 – and that’s just the deficit. 

Final vote on the Supplemental included twenty two Republicans (up from an earlier seventeen) and two Independents who voted Aye.  The Nay vote included Twenty six Republicans, 1 Independent and 2 Democrats.  All Republican aye votes were from Red States, the majority of whom vote with Democrats on a regular basis leaving behind the question whether those Red Senators were accurately representing their constituents. 

 The 2024 Senate election will see twenty Democrats. ten Republicans and three Independents running for re-election.  The states of California, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Utah and West Virginia have no Senate incumbent candidate.

Stepping back into reality which is not even a word in my thesaurus, what does that tell us.  It tells us there are a predominance of Uniparty Republicans in Congress, almost all of whom are from staunch Republican  States who routinely and repeatedly commit political hari-kari by voting with the Democrats – and getting away with it.  None of that matters since the bottom line is whether their funding from the MIC will continue at a comfort level to increase the value of their vote.   

 As if proving the speculation that he had not viewed the Tucker-Putin conversation,Today we make [Russian President] Vladimir Putin regret the day he questioned America’s resolve, and we make clear to others, like China’s President Xi [Jinping], not to test our determination,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a speech after the vote. “And we send a clear, bipartisan message of resolve to our allies in NATO.”  In other words, the Hegemon is alive but not as well as it would like to believe.

 Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.   

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