Election Update: The Potential Impact of Third Parties in 2024!

Palm Desert, CA
March 2, 2024

by Rich Scheck

Jim Rickards is considered one of the most brilliant analysts operating in the world of finance and intelligence today. Here’s his report on the potential impact of third parties in the 2024 presidential elections: https://dailyreckoning.com/third-party-candidates-will-swing-the-election/

Yet as smart as he is, Rickards somehow left out the best example of a third party which actually won an election. In 1860, a guy named Lincoln carried the banner of the 6 year old Republican Party to victory. As they say: “The rest is history!”

As he clearly states, things are so complicated and are moving so quickly that any forecasts are highly problematic. But such speculations are an important part of the process and help voters understand the dynamics involved.

As an example, Biden has probably helped himself with his political base by forcing Netanyahu to a ceasefire agreement with Hamas to release the hostages and stop the slaughter of Gazans:

The Michigan primary vote demonstrated how the Red/Green alliance within the Democratic Party of university radicals with Sharia oriented Muslim voters is a looming disaster in that key swing state.  The significant uncommitted turn-out might readily put it in the Trump camp even without third party numbers factored in.

We’ll see in a few days if there is a continuation of that phenomena in other states following the results of voting on Super Tuesday: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4221459/posts

Although Rickards covers most of the bases, he leaves out at least one other possible wild card from the mix of those attempting to influence the 2024 results: (see below)

Even though it remains an extremely unlikely long-shot situation, there may be some voters willing to “Check Scheck In 2024” via a write-in if things continue to deteriorate at a rapid rate and hopelessness sets in as a none-of-the-above protest.

Writing in your first choice as a way to express disgust with our corrupt system got added credibility as a viable mechanism in New Hampshire when Biden’s name got written in after dubious procedures were adopted to protect him early on from RFK Jr. ‘s primary challenge.

So much for the party’s erstwhile embrace of “democracy”….a notion they abandoned in 2016 and 2020 when they twice allowed the nomination to be stolen from Bernie Sanders!

Even if we forget about the Scheck factor and any other apparent unknown lurking just below the horizon, careful scrutiny of the No Labels team produces information showing organizational chaos.

Moreover, the high comfort level of No Labels leadership with those supporting Pax Americana and our nation’s penchant for treasury-busting imperial wars is arguably an old wine in new bottles non-starter.

Haley, Romney, Lieberman and even Manchin do not have a reputation for opposing these unending interventions started by the bipartisan Neocons like Victoria Nuland who shape US foreign policy. They might as well pick Liz Cheney, NOT!

I could go on but suffice it to say things will change rapidly in the coming days and weeks prior to the summer conventions much less before the election itself with lots of August, September and October surprises ready to emerge prior to Voting Day…assuming there even is an election rather than a Civil War or other disruptive event allowing Joe to cancel it to stay in power!

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more insights from the likes of Rickards, yours truly and other pundits while hopefully keeping an open mind about what’s best for our country!

No Labels Scheck In 2024: An Open Letter To An Old Pal From Great Neck

Greetings Mr. B: Please ask your No Labels friends to include me on their
list of candidates for President in 2024.

I’ve developed a grassroots network across the US based on 49 years of
traveling all over the country, talking to folks about politics and learning
how much they distrust both parties.

My goal has been to create a new political party to challenge the two existing
ones that are dominated by the Military Industrial Complex and who benefit
from endless wars in pursuit of Pax Americana.

I reached my 50th State, Oklahoma, on June 12, 1976 and have been
to most again since as well as visiting dozens of countries including Israel,
China, England, France, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Barbados,
Mexico, Morocco, Columbia, Canada, Costa Rica, Malaysia and Italy.

Here’s my new platform based on Royce White’s efforts to become a
Senator from Minnesota: Stop the wars; secure the border; pay the debt,
end the excessive secrecy and cease spying on the American people…NOW!

Here’s what it looked like in 2016: https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=32281

In addition, I’ve written hundreds of published articles about politics, foreign affairs,
national security, government corruption and the need for UFO Disclosure as well
as my unpublished book on the 1980 election.

I am a Harvard Law School Graduate who worked as a Legal Aid attorney in NYC;
spent a summer as a Nader Raider in DC; promoted the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space starting in 1973; was a Special Advisor to the Founder of the Earth Society,
John McConnell, (1973-76); attempted to run for the US Senate from New York in
1976 as a third party candidate as well as attempting several brief runs for the House
from NY in the 1970’s as an independent focusing on the JFK assassination.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Rich
Rancho Mirage, CA 2/29/24

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