WARNING! The Contrived Commodification, Financialization & Globalization of the Entire Planetary Civilization Has Reached Its Terminal Point!

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following excellent analysis, which addresses the obscene “$1 TRILLION OF DEBT ADDED EVERY 100 DAYS”, is as serious as it gets.

Now here’s how they got this immense snowball rolling down the mountainside soon to crush all of US.

First they foisted the Global Gambling Casino on the entire world community of nations and got everyone addicted to betting in all the betting parlors; you know, the markets—stock and bond, commodity and currency, real estate and insurance, derivative and carbon.

Of course, greed was the motivating factor for most of the bettors which kept both individual and institutional investors in the game even when they had no business being there.  Incidentally, this whole addicting process began with the establishment of the New York Stock Exchange in the USA back in May of 1792, so the banksters have had a long time to fill their drug den known as Wall Street.

Next, slowly but surely, the predatory capitalists commodified every single thing they could commodify on Earth.

Once they did that, they financialized every single commodity…eventually to the extreme.

All the while the perps relentlessly pushed the globalization of the planet with a vengeance, because they their never-ending growth model required the constant devouring of every resource in the biosphere.

That’s it, right there.  Once they successfully commodified, financialized and globalized via one stealthy scheme after another, they unwittingly sowed the seeds of destruction into the entire Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS).

Perhaps the greatest manifestation of the GE&FS on life support in 2024 is the fact that the US National Debt is now upwards of $34 trillion and it’s increasing by a trillion every 100 days.  Which requires an astronomical debt service payment that is simultaneously exploding by the year.

Which also indicates that:

Everything Points To A
Controlled Demolition in 2024

State of the Nation
March 3, 2024

N.B. What follows is “The Great Taking” perspective on this slow-motion yet calamitous event that will inevitably push the US Corporation into an irreversible and Republic-ending bankruptcy.


Submitted by The Burning Platform

“There has been abundant evidence of great evil at work in the world, throughout time and in our present time. Do you really wish to be ignorant of its existence and operation?”

– The Great Taking – Daniel Webb

From 2000 through 2007, while waging two wars in the Middle East, the U.S. ANNUAL Federal deficit averaged $220 billion PER YEAR. And many fiscal conservatives thought that was outrageously out of control. Well, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, the despicable scum in Congress, and the rest of the Deep State calling the shots in this military empire of delusion and debt said, HOLD MY BEER.

Just as the wheels were starting to come off in late 2019, the convenient arrival of the Covid plandemic provided the cover for these purveyors of propaganda and panic to run $3 trillion deficits and establish a new baseline of $1 trillion per year. The house of cards, built upon a crumbling foundation of debt comes crashing down when deficits are allowed to drop below $1 trillion. Running in place gets more expensive by the day.

Now it requires $1 trillion of new debt every 100 days to achieve nothing but remaining static economically. The regime media pundits and the cabal on Wall Street tell us the economy is doing great. No recession in sight. All is well. The dumbed down and distracted ignorant masses don’t realize all the reported “economic growth” is “created” by the government, enabled by The Fed, spending billions on their wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, funneling the money into the Military Industrial Complex corporations; paying for the transportation, feeding, and housing of the illegal invading hordes; hiring more government drones to harass the citizenry, and desperately trying to prop up a corrupt tottering empire in its final death throes.

Anyone with even the slightest mathematical acumen knows increasing the national debt at a rate of $1 trillion every 100 days is a death wish. Why would those pulling the strings behind the scenes of this acceleration towards the cliff of national suicide be doing so at this point in time? It’s almost as if the November elections are a deadline for them to complete their exit strategy plan.

I believe we are entering the Great Taking phase of this clown show. They are purposely creating a global financial disaster in order to take everything you and I have. It sounds crazy, but so is adding $1 trillion of debt every 100 days. Remember, the psychopaths running this world do not care about you. In their warped view of the world, you are nothing more than a parasite to be extinguished at their whim.

“There will be an epic end point to the decades of seemingly out-of-control financialization, which served no beneficial purpose for humanity, but the devastating effects of which are apparent even now. It has been a deliberate strategy executed over decades. This was the purpose of inflating the global bubble entirely out of proportion with any real world thing or activity, which must end in disaster for so many, with no pockets of resilience allowed to remain in any country.” 

 The Great Taking – Daniel Webb



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