THE NEVER-ENDING BITCOIN SCAM: But why is this ridiculous psyop blowing up right now?!

Because the price of GOLD is on the cusp of
exploding and the banksters don’t want that
to happen lest the true value of the utterly
worthless US Dollar be revealed—THAT’S WHY!!!

Now here’s a comment that further explains the Bitcoin back story:

“They see that gold is as good as Bitcoin, or gold and Bitcoin are friendly competitors. They’re not antagonistic.”

Doug babie, are you shittin’ me? “gold is as good as BitCoin”. Like fucking BitCoin is better than gold’s 5,000year history? OMG….

TPTB want you in BitCoin (that they control) as a diversion from real money–gold. The proles can’t be allowed to get their hands on real money to save themselves from the coming economic wipeout. Stay in the paper THEY control.

If the proles started buying gold (like they should), it would reveal the true intrinsic worth of the dollar—Z-E-R-O … and drive gold towards its real current value.

Those green pieces of paper are already worthless (has lost like 99% of its purchasing power since introduction).

Remember in 1913, $20 bought an oz. of gold. Today that same oz. costs almost $2100….and that’s with the massive price suppression.

Dividing the outstanding debt by the gold (once held by the Treasury) would give gold a current value approaching if not exceeding $100K/oz. The general public doesn’t understand it.

BTW, those dupes going into BitCoin ETFs are going to get slaughtered in the long run. It will soar on the short term to lure more suckers in and then go POOF when TPTB decide to pull the plug! See “The Great Taking” for starters.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Also, I’m uninterested debating anyone about it.

— Steve Z.

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