The town of New Madrid was completely destroyed.

Submitted by GA

Apparently local state and county governments are warning people that the last time there was an eclipse that crossed the New Madrid Fault Line, the fault blew, and was the worst quake known to American History.  It rang the church bells in Boston, and Mississippi river flowed backwards.  The New Madrid fault line roughly follows the Mississippi River.  States impacted: Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, …more see map:

Areas along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers that are sandy, will suffer liquefication (ground sinks).

Homes NEED to be bolted to their foundation, or they may slide right off the foundation and collapse.

No doubt all the bridges along the Mississippi will collapse, or are likely to, since they are not built for seismic zones. This could result in a serious disruption of transportation, with east – west freeways broken.  So in addition to death and destruction, it is likely to have a negative impact on commerce and the stock market.

Also….IF there is a large quake on the New Madrid fault line, it is quite possible that that could jostle the fault lines on the West Coast, which could trigger quakes on the West Coast too.  In 1812 when the New Madrid last blew, CA was barely populated so it is unknown if W. Coast faults erupted as well.

Well, we KNOW God has been warning that this Evil Nation, America, was headed for Judgment….and I knew this eclipse was a very evil omen, passing through several towns called Ninevah.

[Ninevah, in the bible, was warned they were about to be destroyed.  But Ninevah fasted for 3 days and repented, and God (temporarily) suspended their judgment.  Do you think Americans will fast for 3 days and repent?  I wouldn’t hold my breath. So get ready.]

So I knew this eclipse was a warning that judgment is coming, I just didn’t think it would be so fast on the heels of this eclipse.  But we have been warned.  Apparently state and county governments in the area of the eclipse and fault line are taking the threat very seriously.

The great New Madrid Earthquakes were preceded by the arrival of a comet that had not been seen since the ancient Egyptians. Tecumseh’s Comet as some called it was also known as ‘Napoleon’s Comet’ in Europe and is estimated to have measured a million miles across from head to tail and was a very visible sight in the night sky. Tecumseh’s Comet was named after a Shawnee leader who was rallying support among native American tribes to curb the takeover of the land by the white man, his name means “Shooting Star”. This comet was visible for 11 months during the New Madrid earthquakes. The comet was accompanied by a solar eclipse that year before the earthquakes and left many wondering if something was about to happen. Is it possible the earthquakes were a side effect of this celestial objects arrival?   <<<It is known that the surface of the earth is affected by the gravitational pull of the moon, with sea tides and land tides.  But when two large celestial bodies are lined up together, like the sun and moon (causing a solar eclipse) the gravitational pull on the surface of the earth will be greater.

Strange Animal Behavior
It is said in the days prior to the New Madrid earthquake, animals began to display very strange behavior. Snakes crawled out of their holes in winter, and many animals vacated the area. Tame animals began to become vicious and turn on their masters. Wild animals lost their fear of humans and began to approach them. Deer tried to enter houses and flocks of geese landed at peoples feet. Gargantuan snakes, turtles and other creatures that were frighteningly strange or large began to be seen.

Strange Sounds
In the 2 or 3 years prior to the New Madrid earthquakes many mysterious loud booms and cracks were heard. Many described these sounds as resembling the sound of very large guns or artillery explosions. Much louder booms and explosion sounds were heard directly before the New Madrid earthquakes struck and signaling the following shocks.

Tecumseh actually foretold the New Madrid earthquakes to a group of Creeks prior to the event in these words:

“Brothers, the Great Spirit is angry with our enemies. He speaks in thunder, and the earth swallows up villages, and drinks up the Mississippi. The great waters cover the lowlands. Their corn cannot grow. The Great Spirit will sweep those who escape to the hills from the earth with his terrible breath.” “Your blood is white! You do not believe the Great Spirit has sent me. You shall know. I leave Tuckabatchee directly, and shall go straight to Detroit. When I arrive there, I will stamp on the ground with my foot and shake down every house in Tuckabatchee.”

Tecumseh arrived in Detroit on December 16, 1811 precisely when the first two and strongest of the New Madrid earthquakes struck. Tecumseh’s prophecy of the earthquake was made months in advance and was accurate down to the very day. Did the prophet Tecumseh use some sort of sorcery or external force in attempt to stop the encroachment upon his ancestral lands? Or did he possess knowledge or contact with sources that we do not yet understand?

It is probably important to note that Tecumseh’s brother, Tenskwatawa (meaning ‘Open Door’) was also known as a prophet among his people. Tenskwatawa was said to have fallen into a trance so deep that his family believed him dead and planned his funeral. Tenskwatawa awakened from the trance with a new revelation about renouncing all things that come from the white man, like the liquor that he believed plagued his people. Tenskwatawa made a prediction of his own which originally earned the brothers great reknown and following,

“Fifty days from this day there will be no cloud in the sky. Yet, when the Sun has reached its highest point, at that moment will the Great Spirit take it into her hand and hide it from us. The darkness of night will thereupon cover us and the stars will shine round about us. The birds will roost and the night creatures will awaken and stir.”

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