DNC 2024: The Democrat Idiocracy Emerges Full-Bore Via A Hideous Humiliation Ritual

Cackling “Kamala The Chameleon” Is
Crowned Queen Of The Democrat Idiocracy

Where an Unparalleled Kabuki Theater
Intersects an Unrivaled Theater of the Absurd
Staged as an Epic Humiliation Ritual

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

How many times has it been said, but we’re compelled to say it again: YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THIS SH*T UP.

Only when the American body politic truly understands that they are being deliberately humiliated and mocked as no population in modern history, maybe even in recorded history, will this Tavistock-conducted mind control program lose it’s effect.

Which actually means that these once United States of America are being quite purposefully victimized by a long planned and highly organized conspiratorial plot to break the national spirit—FOREVER!

As for the Left, they’re already collectively debilitated by a particular type of Mass Formation Psychosis which renders them incapable of even being humiliated.  For they are all socially engineered over decades to literally bask in their victimhood, both individually and collectively.  After all, that’s the very nature and binding glue of their profoundly sick brand of perilously cohesive Identity Politics.

Enter one Cackling Kamala “The Chameleon” Harris

By the way, that’s a LOT of people on the Left who are afflicted with a very serious type of  mental illness known as liberalism.  And, they have predictably coalesced around a conspicuously daffy individual — Kamala Harris — who represents the very worst of all of those mental defects and emotional disorders, psychological dysfunctions and spiritual diseases that plague all of them to varying degrees.

Kamala Harris 2.0:
You simply won’t believe it because none of it is true.

This is why the convention has turned into such an ultra-cringey love-fest of the highest order, as in: this has never happened before and nothing like this will likely ever happen again.

Of course, utterly ludicrous public events such as the DNC 2024 could never take place unless they were MADE TO HAPPEN ON PURPOSE.  By exactly who?

Who is really pulling the strings at the very top
of the global power structure?HUMILIATION RITUAL 2.0


This is where the HUMILIATION RITUAL 2.0 comes into play during the DNC 2024.

For the uninitiated, HUMILIATION RITUAL 1.0 was the transparently stolen election followed by Joe Biden’s catastrophic 4-year term in the White House.  As follows:

The Humiliation Ritual On Steroids

Obviously, it’s the very same directors, producers, screenwriters, actors, etc, who have staged both of these unprecedented humiliation rituals (HRs).

So while the Democrat crazies congregate in their capital of Chicago (Really, how crazy was that holding this convention of criminals and corrutptocrats in the crime capital of the country?!?!?!) and crown the craziest among them “Queen of their Idiocracy”, what all the rest of US can do is watch this show as the insane entertainment that it truly is … as well as view it with sincere gratitude that we’re not there with them (and not vaxxed either). See: Kamala Refuses to Hire Unvaxxed For Her Campaign Staff

For it takes a very special kind of idiocy to idolize a highly flawed individual who the CIA’s Mockingbird Media has spent the past 4 years disparaging at every turn.  And now, all of a sudden, she has all the glowing qualities of the “Queen” … … … of the Idiocracy, of course, what else?

But you want to know what’s really crazy here?

The Democrat Party elevated Kamala “The Cackler” Harris to the POTUS nominee knowing full well that she and her sister are deeply embroiled in what is clearly the most politically hazardous of any and all scandals in U.S history.  As follows:

The Most Radioactive Scandal Of All

Now that’s really crazy … which can only mean one thing:

The devil always degrades his victim(s) before he destroys them.

What do we mean by degradation?

American Body Politic Being Methodically Humiliated
By This VPOTUS Sociopathy


Whenever any U.S. citizen shines the illuminating light of their
awareness on these HRs, they serve to quickly dissipate their
power and influence; first for themselves, and then for all
who are in their circle of acquaintances.

The Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
August 22, 2024

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