How in the world did Wuhan China end up with pack pools, no masks and no social distancing this August?!

Wuhan coronavirus: From silent streets to packed pools

Thousands can be seen packed together at a music festival


Thousands of people packed shoulder-to-shoulder with no face masks in sight, frolicking on rubber floats and cheering along to a music festival.

It’s not a very 2020 image, but it was the scene this weekend in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where Covid-19 first emerged late last year.

Pictures of partygoers at the Wuhan Maya Beach Water Park – looking very much removed from the outbreak that the rest of the world continues to battle – have now gone, well, viral.

No masks, no social distancing for these partygoers

It’s worlds apart from the images that came out of Wuhan when it had the world’s first Covid-19 lockdown in January – a ghost town devoid of residents and vehicles.

The lockdown was lifted in April and there have been no domestically transmitted cases in Wuhan or Hubei province since mid-May.

A slow return to normal

Wuhan went into a then unprecedented lockdown on 23 January – at a time where the virus had killed 17 people and affected more than 400.

It was a week after China confirmed that human-to-human transmission of the virus had taken place, something not previously proven.

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