COVID-19 Vaccine Data Dump

Mark of the Beast Covid Vaccine (Share This)

By HypothesisFree

Note:  Do NOT miss item number 19) below – This Changes Everything!

Also, a Spanish version of this report can be found/shared with the following link, which sadly, BIN does not display correctly, which should begin with ““:


1) “Human 2.0″? A Wake-Up Call To The World – EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO! / The Mark of the beast 666 III [Rev. 13:15-18]. COVID-19 vaccine is a Transhumanist vaccine.


Update December 20, 2020:  Doctors Around the World Issue Dire Warning: Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine nor the TEST!
– /spirit/2020/12/vaccine-doctors-around-the-world-issue-dire-warning-do-not-get-the-covid-vaccine-2518636.html


CDC/FDA Admit Covid-19 virus does not exist!
“A very important video. Possibly the most important.”

Government of Ireland ADMITS that Covid-19 DOES NOT EXIST In Response To Freedom of Information Inquiry

Mandatory COVID Isolation Camps Has Begun In the USA [Forced Relocation of ENTIRE Families Is Happening NOW In Great Britain, and Soon To Occur In Canada Also!]  Trump is completely involved. He stood right next to Seema Verma and patted her on the back as she locked family oversight out of nursing homes; Pence’s hand picked corona virus task force member.  [Mark my words – AFTER they place your ENTIRE family in an isolation camp, they will thoroughly search your property for ANY POSSIBLE FIREARMS they can CONFISCATE ! ! !]

– /opinion-conservative/2020/11/mandatory-covid-camps-begin-the-highwire-with-del-bigtree-must-video-3550406.html

2) A second AstraZeneca vaccine test volunteer “Developed neurological problems.” According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead” after the vaccine.

Update December 19, 2020 – Multiple Nurses Collapse Within Minutes of Taking Covid Vaccine – Including Tennessee Nurse Manager Passes Out on Camera After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine:
– [see very end of this presentation]

3) Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, day-long headaches and shaking so violently that one of them cracked a tooth. These are all symptoms of neurological damage occurring in real time. These are obvious signs that a kind of vaccine lobotomy is taking place, causing permanent, long-term neurological damage to the trial participants. Does this sound like a “safe” vaccine to administer to hundreds of millions of people? Full-on Covid-like symptoms?


4) A messenger RNA type Covid Vaccine Will Be The Mark of the Beast according to Anthony Patch

“THE Final Solution (Part 2)” – 9/28/20


Update October 9, 2020

Confirmation that an RFID chip will be included in Covid Vaccine (screen capture):

There is coming a second wave pandemic, this time a real one to be induced by deadly electro-magnetic energy bombardment, including from Elon Musk´s space satellites.  This and a great deal of additional critical information is included in the followiing video [note – the voice echo only lasts for 1.5 min]:



Update November 26, 2020:

Here Is Bill Gates’ Injectable Biochip [Profusa biochip], for Those Who Think it Is Conspiracy Theory
“includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin…”
– /eu/2020/11/here-is-bill-gates-injectable-biochip-for-those-who-think-it-is-conspiracy-theory-2664391.html

5) The World Health Organization PCR Test Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 8). The Covid-19 test is testing for Chromosome 8 which governs a person´s intelligence, immune system and our resistance to cancer. Humans are the virus. The plan is to remove Chromosome 8 and turn everyone into a retard by impairing our intelligence and by turning our immune system on itself by creating an auto immune disorder. The Covid-19 vaccines also will be used to sterilize the population. The HPV vaccines has already been proven to be sterilizing American girls.

– /prophecy/2020/09/urgent-additional-information-about-your-future-bombshell-evidence-that-covid-is-chromosome-8-human-dna-they-want-to-make-us-mentally-retarded-create-an-auto-immune-disorder-within-us-2514057.html

6) ATTORNEY: Fake PCR Test [inventor of PCR test wrote in his book that you cannot use his test to search for a virus] Created Fake Covid-19 Pandemic Scandal

Dr. Fuellmich announces an International network of lawyers will argue the biggest tort case in world history.

– /politics/2020/10/attorney-fake-pcr-test-created-fake-covid-19-pandemic-3214034.html

7) As of October 1, 2020, according to the World Life Expectancy tables, total deaths have reached over 44 million out of a total population of 7.734 billion people. If this number is extrapolated out for this year, total deaths worldwide will be approximately 58.7 million. Average deaths per year worldwide currently average close to 60 million deaths per year, so this year is certainly not abnormal, and in fact seems to be slightly less than normal. How can this be, given that we are told we are in the middle of one of the most deadly pandemic periods in history, so deadly that the world has been shut down?


Update December 7, 2020:

There are No Excess Deaths (From All Causes, Including Those “with COVID”) in the USA. Data Matches 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
– /survival/2020/12/there-are-no-excess-deaths-from-all-causes-including-those-with-covid-in-the-usa-data-matches-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019-2762901.html

8) In 2015 A Testing Method Was Patented For COVID-19 [naysayers, can you say PLANDEMIC?]


9) “in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.”



10) “A global pandemic is ON IT´S WAY. An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat. This will happen in the NEXT DECADE.” – BILL GATES, in 2018

11) Bill Gates organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise called Enent 201 which took place in October 2019, right before it happened.


Shortly after this ´exercise for a coronavirus pandemic´ Bill Gates tweeted on December 19, 2019: “I´m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”


12) In 2018 The Institute for Disease Modeling made a video in which they show a flu virus originating in China, from the area of Wuhan, and spreading all over the world, killing millions. They called it “A Simulation For A Global Flu Pandemic.” That is exactly what happened, two years later.

Why did they say it would come from China? Why not Africa, where far more diseases are present? Or why not South America? Or India? How could they know there would be a flu virus coming from China and even show Wuhan as the originating area, that would infect the whole world?


13) A document titled “Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development” by the (Zionist) Rockefeller Foundation, literally predicted in great detail, ten years before it happened: the global pandemic, the lock-downs, the collapse of the economy and the imposing of authoritarian control, and states “Under The Guise Of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison State”.


Subsequently the same Rockefeller Foundation came forward with step two: a handbook on how to implement new control systems during this pandemic. According to their “Scenario of the future” the entire world population should get a digital ID that indicates who has received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport etc. will be denied.

14) World Health Organization memos from 1972 explain how to turn vaccines into a means of killing. First published 2009.


15) “There are now 6.7 billion people on earth and soon there will be 9 billion. However, we can reduce that number by ten to fifteen percent if we do a good job with new vaccines, health care and birth control”. – BILL GATES, VACCINE DEALER recorded on video.


Bill Gates also made it clear that only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work.

16) CDC says it mistakenly posted that coronavirus is airborne [however, within the past week they flip-flopped yet again]


17) Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever for people under the age of 50


18) The CDC itself has stated that only 6 percent of reported US COVID deaths are FROM the virus. [However, the number 6 is part of 666, and a number Zionists apparently like to include in mainstream media stories to communicate to other Zionists that the information is a lie. It could even be that ZERO people have died from a Covid-19 virus.]

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