Trump Has Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop. Guess Why She’s So Freaked Out?

Special Ops Mission: Trump Team Got All Their Laptops on Wednesday! ~ Capitol Hill in PANIC Mode!!!

I think that is why Trump was holding up a RED file in that video clip with Ivanka. That clip was made in a tent just outside the Capitol Building. The RED file must be in reference to RED China (Communist Red China), and the FILES that were just picked up from the stolen laptops. The Special Ops guys must have just handed off the Laptops to Trump & Co, and when Trump left the Capitol Building for AF1, Trump took Piglosi (and other’s) laptops with him!!!

No wonder they were all so happy, jubilant and dancing around!!! Piglosi (and others are TOAST) now!

More here:

Red folder

I’m not sure we have this fully decoded. But Trump is definitely trying to tell us something here…..and everyone is SO HAPPY!

Trump holding a Red folder up to the camera, while the music “Gloria” is being played, and everyone wishing Eric Trump “Happy Birthday”.

Eric Trump’s Birthday was on Jan 6.

So that is when this was taken, Jan 6th. I think I remember a white tent like this near the Capitol Building? Yes. Watch the video in this. You will see the tent at 15 seconds into video. Trump was in this tent???

Red folder means??? Declas?

Or a reference to this:

Someone commented: Evidence file! I think that might be it, because Trump sent a Special Ops team into the Capitol Bldg to pick up key laptops. They must have gotten a call saying “Mission Accomplished”.

And someone else commented: 2021 is going to be GLORIOUS!


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