BS ALERT! Now the CDC is saying that getting the C0VlD doesn’t mean that you will build up antibodies against it and develop immunity!

A Man of Contagious Influence

Anayansi Vanderberg

Have a look at the board members of Rockefeller foundation, Gates foundation, Gavi, CEPI, international oversight group, global preparedness monitoring group.

Now the CDC is saying that getting the C0VlD doesn’t mean that you will build up antibodies against it and develop immunity, but you could get it again! But they’re sure the vaccine will work! IT’S ALL BS!

If enough people do not comply with mask mandates, it becomes unenforceable and will end.

The whole world is slowly waking up to the realization that their government is just a large organized crime mob.

Mi pueblo perece por falta de conocimiento”


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