Biden’s Unipolar/Pax Americana Vision: Has Push Finally Come To Shove?

Windsor, CA
March 23, 2021

by Citizen Scheck

The careless, condescending rhetoric of President Biden vis-a-vis both Russia and China have needlessly exacerbated global tensions potentially leading to World War III?

Has push finally come to shove? Every day, relations between the West and both Russia and China spiral downward into dangerous territory rapidly approaching an abyss of possible war-fighting to replace the nasty verbal exchanges of recent weeks.

Posturing and lecturing from a supposed position of strength have failed to impress our rivals. They see a weakened America led by an arguably demented politician whose country may be imploding underneath him like those stairs he attempted to climb while boarding Air Force one last week.

It is hard to deny that we are “Watching Rome Burn” and that we may soon see a repeat of the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union whose imperial overreach bled it dry. America is definitely not “back” and everyone knows it accept the miscreants who many believe stole the election and now are responsible for making the current mess bigger!

The search for good news remains elusive at best. The urge by this Administration to let illegal immigrants surge across our Southern border is only one of many incomprehensible decisions by the incompetent pack of erstwhile leaders now
occupying the Executive Branch of government.

Their egregious missteps have created a truly perilous situation that even the skilled statesmanship of Putin and Lavrov might not be able to evade.

As can be seen in the article below, today’s developments have brought us closer to kinetic confrontation and the scourge of actual bloodletting in an increasingly maddening world.



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