WAS ISRAEL’S NUCLEAR FACILITY JUST ATTACKED? Why are sirens blaring at Dimona?

Military Alert: All Eyes On Israel Rocket Sirens Blare In Dimona Nuclear Facility

By Josey Wales


This is a developing story. 



The Jerusalem Post - Israel News
According to unconfirmed reports, the explosion was the result of a patriot battery responding to a missile launched toward Israel.The patriot was reportedly launched from near Dimona and intercepted a missile above the city of Modi’in.  However, it is unclear at this point where the missile was launched from.

Reports Syria Is Now Getting Hit Hard, For Real This Time!!!





Early, unconfirmed reports that Israel is now bombing Syria. Has WWIII just begun?
Get to the store and stock up on necessities.

It is unclear what has happened in Israel, peace has been taken away from the earth, prepare!


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