Establishment Virology Debunked: The “Cytopathic Effect” Explained

Establishment Virology Debunked: “Cytopathic effect” (CPE) & Control Experiment

Submitted by Harold Saive

Dr Stefan Lanka, a marine and molecular biologist presents results from the recent control experiments regarding the “cytopathic effect” (CPE) which “virologists” look for in their experiments that attempt to prove the existence of “viruses”. This is just one control experiment of many where the results will later be published in a scientific journal.
These results refute “establishment virology”. (science fraud)

The “Cytopathic effect” as defined by establishment virologists?

It’s time to write off “virology” as another failed hypothesis in the history of science.

Dismantling the Virus Theory – The “measles virus” as an example

No Proof SARS-Cov-2 virus exists and more

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