The Anti-Defamation League Hate Group was Established the Same Year as Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Sensational Trial of the Guilty Leo Frank

That These 3 Major Events in American History
Took Place in 1913 Is No Coincidence

Now read the “Arguments of Prosecutor Hugh M. Dorsey” below given in August of 1913 during the trial of Leo M. Frank held in Atlanta, Georgia.

Arguments of Prosecutor Hugh M. Dorsey,
August 1913.

Such a dramatic and highly consequential trial could never occur today in view of the ADL criminal trial gatekeeper.  In point of fact, there is no other institutional gatekeeper more powerful in America today than the highly influential Anti-Defamation League.

It’s common knowledge throughout the criminal justice system, law enforcement circles and intelligence communities that this quite purposefully established “Hate Group” literally tells the FBI and DoJ who to (and not to) investigate and who to (and not to) prosecute, respectively, in all 50 states.

In light of the absolute control exerted by the both the Khazarian Mafia and  International Banking Crime Syndicate on all affairs throughout the United States of America, it ought to be crystal clear why all three of these momentous events took place in 1913.

HINT: The FBI, DoJ and ADL form the most powerful, pervasive and monolithic protection racket in the world today in order to protect the most dangerous criminals on planet Earth.

State of the Nation
April 24, 2021

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