12 Year old Maddie de Garay volunteered for a COVID study and is now in a wheelchair with a feeding tube

  • 7/2/2021 — 12 Year old Maddie de Garay volunteered for a COVID study and is now in a wheelchair with a feeding tube   https://prepareforchange.net/2021/07/02/12-year-old-maddie-de-garay-volunteered-for-a-covid-study-and-is-now-in-a-wheelchair-with-a-feeding-tube/  13-YEAR-OLD SUFFERS SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS AFTER PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINE  Maddie received her first injection on Dec. 30, 2020, and experienced mild adverse reactions of fever, tiredness, and swelling at the injection site that resolved within a couple of days. However, after getting her second dose on Jan. 20, Maddie immediately felt pain at the injection site that didn’t occur with the first dose.   About 18 hours later, she developed “severe muscle/nerve pain, painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine which caused her to walk hunched over, severe chest pain that felt like her heart was being pulled out, numbness and swelling in her vaccine arm (left), her fingers and toes turned white and were ice cold to the touch, the pain in her toes was so bad she walked on her heels, severe abdominal pain (especially on [the] lower right side), and a fever of 101.4,” de Garay wrote.    Maddie was taken to the emergency room at the children’s hospital where the Pfizer vaccine trial was conducted.
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