COVID Madness – Australian Woman Fined For Using Drone to Go Shopping While in Government Forced Hotel Quarantine

The Last Refuge

Comrades, when the COVID Compliance Ministry down-under says you must quarantine yourself, they really mean it. Australians are not even allowed to operate machinery that might travel on their behalf. Apparently the Rona can infect electronic devices, even drones mid-flight, and present a risk for spreading the virus.

Australians are “locked-down”, even in their lock-down. Meaning they are physically imprisoned and not permitted any outside communication or contact, with anything, in order to preserve the health integrity of all other planetary objects in their sphere of influence.

Federal COVID Sky Marshals are patrolling the cities and suburbs looking for non-compliant citizens. If captured, the non-compliant dissident is detained, fined and then forcibly quarantined.


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