“THE GREAT RESET plan is to produce booster shots to combat the variants.”

COVID-19 VAXXED NUMBERS ARE A LIE! — Do the Math (David Wolfe)

Submitted by Harold Saive

Here is what I distilled from David Wolfe’s comments:

In the case of China, two billion Jabs would take 63 YEARS at one jab per second, 24/7 and 365 days per year with no logistical delays.

In the US, 150 million jabs would take 4 to 5 years at the same rate and with no logistical delays.

This mathematical realization completely debunks the narrative that a high percentage of a country’s population has already received two shots of Moderna/ Pfizer, or even one shot in the case of the J&J product.

THE GREAT RESET plan is to produce booster shots to combat the variants. The “boosters” will match the number of variants for enough years to eventually inject the total population by year 2025-2030.

In a slow-kill strategy, the percentage of saline injections will gradually decrease while the toxic graphene oxide depopulation CLOT SHOTS increase.

The authoritarian class of governors, complicit media and visible elected leaders probably got saline injections so they would exude arrogant confidence in the JAB with moral confidence to demand forced vaccinations on the total population.

CDC Document reveals opportunity for saline tampering with vaccine doses from multi-dose vials
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Media reports of blaming healthcare staff for patients receiving saline injections in place of vaccines

Here are two cases:

German nurse accused of switching vaccines with saline; thousand to be injected again

Saline Injected Instead of COVID Vaccine in South Carolina
|A small number of people have been injected with saline rather than a COVID vaccine in South Carolina, according to the state’s health department.



Hi Friends,

The only independent verification I have seen on the claimed number of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated was from Kaiser which showed about 32% of the US population receiving the jab. That may even be very high.

Remember the numbers are calculated by the very people who ran previous scams including “cases” and deaths caused by COVID syndrome which have been documented by numerous investigations into how the PCR test works and CDC changing how cause of death is to be coded.

Is there any rational reason to think that these numbers will not be spun for strategic purposes? In this case to make people think everyone is getting the shot and doing the right thing to protect themselves and others and that the refusers are in the minority.

David Wolfe makes the point that just using logic it is unlikely in this short time that even 20 million have been jabbed. The resistance to getting the jab is growing despite 24/7 propaganda, threats and bribes.

I agree with Wolfe that many of those 20 – 50 million jabbed likely got saline solution to assuage fears of injury or death and entice more of those on the fence to get “boosters” for “variants strains” at which point the actual biological material will eventually be delivered. In addition, with injury and death being tolerable and not obviously astronomical it will be easier to argue for FDA approval and get legal leverage for mandate options.

The reasoning being that as the real shots injure and kill people at a slower rate the deception of the injuries coming from “variants” will seem more plausible. If everyone, or a substantial number, were to be seriously injured immediately following jabs even die-hard statists would resist. Even with placebos in circulation the injuries and deaths are astronomical.

The plan is brilliant but is being revealed as more saline vials are appearing with investigations verifying WHAT IS ACTUALLY IN THESE SHOTS.

As you start to understand how the deep state manipulators think you are more likely to see their next move on the board. More overt violations of fundamental rights are coming as lies, bribes and threats fail to get people to take the jab.

Here is the link to David Wolfe’s shot take on vaxx rates.

Blessings, Jim

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