“I have used H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) as an inhalant combined with colloidal silver” — Doctor

Hi Lynda,

Dr Petunia here, sorry to be so out of touch, it’s been a 3 year battle; fixing up and selling a 100-year-old farmhouse and moving south. It is finally done!

I can attest to this approach and more. I have used H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) as an inhalant combined with colloidal silver to great effect for myself and many friends and clients for ANY respiratory distress: COPD, bronchitis, asthma, colds, flu etc. I have used an impeller-driven cool mist humidifier with half and half H2O2 and colloidal silver for almost all of it. I have also used a small nebulizer I got for $20 on Ebay with H2O2 and a drop or 2 of colloidal silver.

Watchman posted an excellent article some years ago on making colloidal silver for pennies. I would love for him to post that again. I make my own for pennies and use it liberally (pardon the term) in the impeller-driven humidifier. It doesn’t work as well in an ultrasonic humidifier, but seems fine in a nebulizer.

The protocol I use lasts 72 hours and is very simple. With the impeller humidifier I simply fill it to the line with the 50/50 mixture and make sure it is pointed at my face. I put a towel near where the condensation will gather and re-fill it every 12 hours or so (depending on the humidity level where you are). That’s it! The only time I leave that position is to eat and go to the bathroom. With the nebulizer I would inhale for 7 or 8 minutes and take a 20 minute break. Rinse and repeat, you will know how much you can take and adjust accordingly.

Bacterial pneumonia will respond to this as well, but it is also helpful to soak a cotton cloth with 100 proof vodka and breathe the fumes 2 or 3 times an hour. A chemical reaction takes place in the lungs from the fumes. It is an old Russian folk remedy that works.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t stocked up on Ivermectin, just in case. I have goats, so I get mine at the feed store, the liquid type, not the horse paste. I always follow the weight instructions for my goats, who are mammals, just like me. 😉

Blessings of good health to all and please pray for the children,
Dr Petunia

Here is a picture of this humidifier (many of which I have picked up at thrift stores):



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