Three Critical Aspects Of Covid-19 and How to Effectively Deal with Them

Part Two – How To EFFECTIVELY Deal With The Three Aspects Of Covid-19:

(1) The Infection Stage, (2) The Covid Long-Haul Stage, and (3) The Vaccine Spike Protein Reaction

How to understand, and activate, common sense solution(s)…

Let’s begin.

Compiled  by Owen R. Fonorow – President of the Vitamin C Foundation

Tom Levy MD, JD says, in an article in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021 that before we begin explaining the solution let’s look at what’s really going on so we can understand the mechanism of that solution.

His exact words were:

In structuring a clinical protocol to stop the ravages of persistent spike protein presence throughout the body, it is first important to realize that the protocol should be able to effectively treat any aspect of COVID infection, including those periods during active infection, after “active” infection (long-haul COVID), and during ongoing spike protein presence secondary to either “chronic” COVID infection or resulting from COVID vaccine administration.As is the case with any treatment for any condition, factors of expense, availability, and patient compliance always play a role in determining what treatment a given patient will actually undergo for a given period of time.

As such, no one specific protocol will be appropriate for all patients, even if the same pathology is present. Ideally, of course, the best protocol is to use all of the options discussed below.

When the entirety of the protocol is not possible or feasible, which is most often the case, the combination of HP nebulization, high-dose vitamin C, and appropriately-dosed ivermectin is an excellent way to effectively address long-haul COVID and persistent spike protein syndromes.

Much of the rationale of the protocols is based on what is known about the spike protein and how it appears to inflict its harm. The following aspects of spike protein pathophysiology need to all be considered in crafting an optimal treatment protocol:

– The ongoing production of spike protein by the vaccine-supplied mRNA into the cells for the purpose of stimulating the production of neutralizing antibodies (Khehra et al., 2021)

– The binding of the spike protein, with or without an attached virion, to an ACE2 binding site on the cell wall, as an initial step to dissolving that portion of the cell wall, permitting the spike protein (and attached virus particle if present) into the cell

– The binding of the spike protein to an ACE2 binding site, but just remaining bound to that site and not initiating enzymatic degradation of the cell wall, with or without an attached virion

– The degree to which circulating spike protein is present in the blood and actively disseminating throughout the body

– The fact that the spike protein by itself is toxic (pro-oxidant in nature) and capable of generating disease-generating oxidative stress throughout the body. This is addressed most directly by persistent and highly-dosed vitamin C.

Known Therapeutic Agents and Their Mechanisms


Levy says, in that article in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021:

A substantial number of agents have already been found to be highly effective in resolving COVID infections, and even more are continuing to be discovered as worldwide research efforts have so intensely focused on curing this infection (Levy, 2020). Some of the most effective agents and their mechanisms of actions include the following:

1. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization. Correctly applied, this treatment eliminates acute COVID pathogen presence and any other chronic pathogen colonizations persisting in the aerodigestive tract. Also, a positive healing effect on the lower digestive tract is typically seen, as less pathogens and their associated pro-oxidant toxins are chronically swallowed. Stunning anecdotal evidence has already been seen documenting the ability of HP nebulization to cure even advanced COVID infections (20 of 20 cases) as a monotherapy. (Levy, 2021). All of the supporting research, scientific analysis, and practical suggestions on this therapy is available as a free eBook download [Rapid Virus Recovery] (Levy, 2021).

2. Vitamin C. Vitamin C works synergistically with HP in eradicating pathogens. It gives strong general immune support, while working to support the optimal healing of damaged cells and tissues. Clinically, it is the most potent antitoxin ever described in the literature, and no reports of it failing to neutralize any acute intoxication when administered appropriately have been published. Continuing persistent and highly-dosed vitamin C in all its forms will prove to be the most useful intervention when there is a large amount of circulating toxic spike protein present. Intravenous, regular oral forms, and liposome-encapsulated oral forms are all very useful in resolving any infection and neutralizing any toxin (Levy, 2002). There is also a polyphenol-based supplement that appears to allow some humans to synthesize their own vitamin C, which could prove to be of enormous protective and healing capacity with COVID patients and vaccine recipients. (

3. Ivermectin. This agent has powerful antiparasitic and antiviral properties. Evidence indicates that ivermectin binds the ACE2 receptor site that the spike protein needs to bind to proceed with entry into the cell and the replication of viral protein (Lehrer and Rheinstein, 2020; Eweas et al., 2021). Also, under some circumstances, the binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptor does not activate the enzymes needed to enter the cell. Possibly, ivermectin might also competitively displace such bound spike protein from the cell walls as well when a sufficient dose is taken. It also appears that circulating spike protein can be bound up directly by ivermectin, rendering it inactive and making it accessible for metabolic processing and excretion (Saha and Raihan, 2021). Where there has been mass administration of ivermectin for parasitic diseases in Africa there has also been noted a significantly lower incidence of COVID-19 infection (Hellwig and Maia, 2021). Ivermectin is also very safe when administered appropriately (Munoz et al., 2018).

4. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Chloroquine (CQ). Both HCQ and CQ have been shown to be very effective agents in resolving acute COVID-19 infections. They have also both been shown to be zinc ionophores that can increase intracellular zinc levels which can then inhibit the enzyme activity needed for viral replication. However, both HCQ and CQ have also been found to block the binding of COVID virus spike proteins to the ACE2 receptors needed to initiate viral entry into the cells, giving scientific support for their utility as more directly interfering with spike protein activity before the virus ever breaches the cell (Fantini et al., 2020; Sehailia and Chemat, 2020; Wang et al., 2020).

5. Quercetin. Similar to HCQ and CQ, quercetin also serves as a zinc ionophore. And like HCQ and CQ, quercetin appears to also work to block the binding of COVID virus spike proteins to the ACE2 receptors, impairing spike protein-virus entry into the cell, or impairing spike protein alonef from entering the cells (Pan et al., 2020; Derosa et al., 2021). Many other phytochemicals and bioflavonoids are demonstrating this ACE2 binding capacity as well (Pandey et al., 2020; Maiti and Banerjee, 2021).

6. Other Bio-Oxidative Therapies. These include ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and (in addition to hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C). These three therapies are highly effective in patients with acute COVID infections. It is less clear how effective they would be for long-haul COVID syndrome and patients suffering from ongoing vaccine-generated spike protein syndromes. That is not to say, however, that all three would not prove to be just as excellent for dealing with the spike protein as with the intact virus. It just remains to be determined.

7. Baseline Vital Immune Support Supplementation. There are definitely hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of quality vitamin, mineral, and nutrient supplements that are all capable of making some contribution to reaching and maintaining optimal health, while minimizing the chances of contracting any kind of infectious disease.

A baseline regimen of supplementation that factors in expense, overall health impact, and convenience should include vitamin C, vitamin D3, magnesium chloride (other forms good, but chloride form optimal for antiviral impact), vitamin K2, zinc, and an iodine supplement, such as Lugol’s solution or iodoral. More specific guidance in dosing can be found in Appendix A of Hidden Epidemic, also available as a free eBook download (Levy, 2017). Specifics on mixing up a solution of magnesium chloride for regular supplementation are also available (Levy, 2020).

[More detail on the therapeutic agents above is available in Chapter 10 of Rapid Virus Recovery]

The suggested optimal way to deal with acute COVID that has evolved into long-haul COVID, or with symptoms consistent with the toxic effects of circulating spike protein post-vaccination, is to always eliminate any active or chronic areas of pathogen proliferation with HP nebulization. Vitamin C supplementation should be optimized at the same time. 50-gram infusions of sodium ascorbate should be administered at least several times weekly as long as there is symptomatology attributable to long-haul COVID and circulating spike protein. Initially, a 25-gram infusion of sodium ascorbate given three times a day should prove to be even more effective as circulating vitamin C is rapidly excreted. Oral vitamin C supplementation should be taken as well, either as several grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C daily, or as a teaspoon of sodium ascorbate powder several times daily. One capsule daily of Formula 216 can be added to this as well.

With the “foundation” of HP nebulization and vitamin C supplementation in place, the best prescription medicines to counter long-haul COVID and circulating spike protein would be with ivermectin first, and then HCQ or HQ if the clinical response is not acceptable. Dosages would need to be determined by the prescribing physician.

Along with the baseline immune support supplements noted above, quercetin, 500 to 1,000 mg daily, should be added as well.

Any and all of the above recommendations should be undertaken with the guidance of a trusted physician or other appropriately-trained health care professional.

Let’s Summarize…

Levy says, in recap, in an article in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021

Even as the COVID pandemic appears to be slowly subsiding, many individuals are now chronically ill with long-haul COVID and/or with the side effects of a COVID vaccination. It would appear that both clinical situations are primarily characterized by persistent presence of the spike protein and its negative impact on different tissues and organs.

Treatment is aimed at neutralizing the direct toxic impact of spike protein, while working to block its ability to bind the receptors needed to hijack the metabolism of the cell into making new viruses and/or more spike protein. At the same time, treatment measures are taken to assure that there is as complete an elimination of active or smoldering COVID infection remaining in the patient.

Special thanks to Andrew Saul for the article  in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021

Compiled  by Owen R. Fonorow – President of the Vitamin C Foundation


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