“Being a True Patriot means FACING THE FACTS!!!”

Trump is TOAST! Re: Trump pushed the vax last night

Submitted by GA

First: I’ve heard all this crap before, how Trump supposedly “saved us” by pushing these DEADLY Vaxes ahead of schedule, so they wouldn’t be mandatory.  Now that the corrupt FDA has APPROVED these Deadly Vaxes…..they can now be Mandatory, so that is a moot point!
Second:  YOU need to LISTEN to EXACTLY and PRECISELY what Trump Said Saturday night.  Trump ENDORSED these Deadly Vaccines. 
Trump ENCOURAGED everyone to get JABBED with these DEADLY VAXES!!! 
Trump got Booed as a direct result, by Well Informed Conservatives!!!….and I am SO glad he was!!!!


45 second video of Trump getting booed for Encouraging everyone to take the Kill Shots:
Third:  Trump “claims” he took the JAB in January.  That means one of 4 things:
1) Either Trump is a liar and he never got jabbed, and he only SAID that to urge more people fall to their doom via these death jabs because he is now in on this Deadly Scheme to depopulate this planet, and wants to get richer due to his investments in BIG PHARMA stock, or
2) Trump got “A” Jab, but it was saline solution (harmless), or
3) Trump got JABBED with the Real Thing, and his days are numbered!!!  Blood clot city coming right up for him, or
4) Trump got JABBED with something else which has impaired his MIND!..(which seems likely)…..and renders him USELESS in the retaking of our Republic.


Anyway you look at it TRUMP IS TOAST and TOTALLY Worthless in this battle to regain our nation.
Look, I know you mean well, trying to provide Hopium to keep hope alive, and trying to get people to continue to believe in fantasies.
But the sooner YOU and others in the Military FACE FACTS, and stop living in an imaginary Fantasy World, the better off this Nation will be……and the better off this WORLD will be……and the more innocent lives will be spared.
But as long as you keep these stupid Hopium Blinders on, YOU and the MILITARY are totally WORTHLESS to the American People!!!!!
Being a True Patriot means FACING THE FACTS!!!!…..and dealing with the FACTS!…..and RESPONDING accordingly!
Being a True Patriot means recognizing WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED!!!
….Swallowing YOUR PRIDE, and DOING what is necessary to SAVE our Republic!


Think of the innocent little babies in strollers right now…….THEIR  future is on YOUR shoulders.
Will you continue to “drink the col-aid” of hopium INSPITE OF ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY?
Or will you stand up and put your big boy pants on, DO something to SAVE this Republic???
The sign of a REAL man, and a REAL Patriot is ADMITTING when you have been wrong, and Doing something about it.


Do NOT ever send me any more crap how Trump saved lives by pushing this deadly VAX upon innocent people, who trusted him!

Do NOT ever!!!!

For all intents and purposes Trump is GONE!
Either the Military FINALLY does what they ALL SWORE to do when they took their jobs, to uphold the Constitution and DEFEND it against ALL enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC………or the USA is GONE—Forever!
It’s as simple as that.
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