See how the NWO cabal terrorizes the Mexican president who took on Big Pharma and rejected the Covid narrative.

Watch: Mexican Standoff As Protesters Block AMLO’s SUV For Two Hours

It’s not very common when the president of a country is surrounded by angry protesters and is not allowed to leave their motorcade. That’s what happened to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on Friday morning when a radical group of demonstrators blocked his SUV and other vehicles en route to a military base in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

The CNTE teachers union protesters prevented the president from entering the military facility where he typically delivers his daily press briefing in person, according to Bloomberg.

Video of the incident shows AMLO in the front seat of the SUV as more than 100 protesters surrounded the motorcade.

At one point in the standoff, AMLO spoke in a live stream from within the vehicle, saying he “cannot allow myself to be blackmailed by anybody.” The video was aired at his daily press briefing, where Chiapas Governor Rutilio Escandon filled in for the president.

“I cannot allow this because the president cannot be held hostage by anyone,” AMLO said.

Demonstrators yelled anti-government slogans and lightly damaged his vehicle.

The oddity behind the incident is that police, soldiers, and or the National Guard didn’t break up the protest during the two hours.


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