The Spike-Protein Factory & Covid Cocktail


A Genetic Cocktail

By W Gelles

Did you try the Genetic Cocktail?
It’s called a “vaccine” but it isn’t one.
Not to worry, your masters tell you—
Take the kill-shot. It’s sexy and fun.

Did the massive propaganda campaign
fill you with Fear and melt your brain?
If the Lies and Censorship did the trick
this Cocktail will make you very sick.

A Spike-Protein Factory
your whole body soon will be.
Trillions of spikes you will produce
causing your system massive abuse.

Lipid nanoparticles
got into your brain and now it’s too late—
Blindness, paralysis, neural diseases
or spinal damage may be your fate.

But if you like this Cocktail a lot
don’t complain when your blood will clot
or your organs get badly damaged and rot.
You can feel proud you got the shot!

Thousands of micro-clots circulating,
your capillary network permeating—
too small to be seen on MRI.
In 1 to 3 years you’ll probably die.

This Cocktail has its exotic charms.
Magnets may stick to your upper arm.
Convulsions, sterility, heart attacks, stroke
may soon be yours. It’s no joke.

This Cocktail’s got a lot of fizz
and graphene oxide…oh, gee whiz!
It’s interactive with 5G
so that the globalist Powers That Be
can track and terminate you and me.

If you took the Cocktail, you were tricked,
you’re making yourself—and others—sick
spreading spike-proteins through sputum and breath,
spreading illness and hastening death.

No Happy Hour is waiting for you.
You took the Cocktail—now you’re through.
YOU’RE the leper making others sick,
NOT the unvaxxed whom you punish and kick.

Genetic Cocktail—it’s a lethal brew.
What the hell has it done for you?
YOU GOT NO IMMUNITY. Truth be told,
you kept your job but you lost your soul.

This Genetic Cocktail’s smooth and kicky.
It will destroy you but it’s tricky.
You might not die for several years
with boosters to soothe your scariant fears.

Brainwashed by a Fear Campaign
you washed your health right down the drain.
You never read the internet
so you swallowed the shot Gates wants you to get.

Salut! Down the hatch! Cheers!
Enjoy your remaining vaxxed-up years
and when you drop dead as anticipated
the coroner will blame the unvaccinated.

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