I know where the missing people went.

By Tennessee Dan

I know where the missing people went.
We’re being told that there are 5 million more jobs than there are people to fill them in this country.

Let’s assume that’s true even though nothing the government ever tells you is true.

Where did those people go?

Pre-plandemic we had a booming economy and the highest workforce participation rate in history so where did those folks go?

Did you know that Taiwan slipped up and said that between 4 and 5 percent of people who take the vackseen die from it?

Let’s do some simple math.

370 million people in the United States.

Supposedly 70 percent have taken the vackseen.
That’s 245 million people.

4 percent of that is 9.8 million.

Subtract our annual average death rate of 2,854,838.

That leaves 6,945,162 ADDITIONAL DEATHS.

Let’s assume that 20 percent of those additional deaths were elderly, infirm, or below age 16 keeping with our average numbers.

We subtract 1,389,032 which leaves us with 5,536,130 dead able bodied working age people.

Do the job numbers make more sense now?

By the way, you can apply this math to the job numbers of every country on Earth and it checks out.

Smells like genocide to me.

I think we have a BINGO!



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