Guess who’s behind the bare shelves in stores across the USA?

I received a mail stating Hal Turner knew who is causing the shelves to be bare

Submitted by Jim Stone

It linked to a one hour video I don’t have time to watch. It’s probably legit but I don’t have time for it. And I know who is causing the shortages anyway. Let me make it clear: The Kosher store has prices as usual and is VERY WELL STOCKED. Is that clear enough? Do I need to give details? Corona is theirs. The vax is theirs. The shortages are theirs. Common core is theirs. Critical race theory is theirs. The divorce courts are theirs. The abortion clinics are theirs. The scamming hospitals that charge $50 for a $.01 aspirin and $50,000 for a $50 vial of anascorp are theirs. Porn is theirs. LGBTQRSZYFJDK is theirs. “Elections” which are “fair” instead of accurate are theirs. That last keylogger that stole your data was probably theirs, and ran on THEIR operating system that does the same anyway but because it is THEIR OS, CNN, which THEY OWN says it’s “ok” and idiots believe it. Antifa is theirs. So is the FBI, CIA, and now the NSA. ALL THEIRS. 9/11 was theirs. The Boston bombing was theirs. Sandy Hook was theirs. All the wars are theirs. You list any damn thing that pissed us off outside of a flat tire and it is theirs.

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