Finally A ‘Fed Up Parent At School Board Meeting Identifies The Elephant In The Room’

Fed Up Parent At School Board Meeting Identifies The Elephant In The Room:
‘It’s The Jews’

By CFT Team

(Jewish News of Greater Phoenix via JTA) Jewish groups are circling the wagons and going into damage control after a parent at a school board meeting — while expressing her concerns over controversial COVID vaccine mandates and Critical Race Theory — stated what everyone knew but was too afraid to say — “It’s the Jews.”

During the public comment portion of the meeting of the Chandler Unified School District board [in suburban Phoenix], a woman who identified herself as Melanie Rettler spoke for over a minute about critical race theory and vaccines — topics not listed on the meeting agenda but at the center of heated public debate nationwide. Her comment crescendoed with an antisemitic claim drenched in the language of right-wing conspiracy theories.

Every one of these things, the deep state, the cabal, the swamp, the eliteyou can’t mention it, but I will — there is one race that owns all the pharmaceutical companies and these vaccines aren’t safe, they aren’t effective and they aren’t free,” Rettler said. “You know that you’re paying for it through the increase in gas prices, the increase in food prices — you’re paying for this and it’s being taken from your money and being given to these pharmaceutical companies and if you want to bring race into this: It’s the Jews.”

The incident was the latest in a nationwide series of school board meeting disruptions, of the sort that the U.S. Justice Department is seeking to curb. But what happened next has spurred the most discussion locally.

After Rettler walked away, Barb Mozdzen, the board president, addressed everybody in the room. “Comments really need to be related to what the school board can do something about, and this was not something we can do something about,” she said. “So please have your comments with something that is within our jurisdiction.”

Some Jewish organizations expressed outrage that Mozdzen and other board members didn’t respond more strongly to the antisemitism. The Arizona chapter of the Israel American Council said it wrote to the Chandler board requesting that “in the future the board members themselves speak up the very moment such hateful lies are expressed….Our history teaches us that allowing such racism to pass unchallenged only invites more of the same,” the group said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to the board and each member expressing concern about the remarks and called the district to “publicly demonstrate — in the strongest possible way their commitment to fighting antisemitism and all forms of hate.” The group added, “The lack of response from board members to last night’s public speaker who used blatant antisemitic tropes and stereotypes to promote anti-vaccine and anti-CRT views is simply appalling and dangerous.”

Exactly what school board members can do about comments like Rettler’s is unclear. Terry Locke, a spokesman for the school district, told the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix that it would be a violation of Arizona’s open meeting law for board members to discuss items that are not on the agenda. Board members in Arizona are allowed to respond to criticism, but what constitutes criticism is not clear, and board members tend not to engage speakers extensively, a spokeswoman for the Arizona School Boards Association told the Arizona Republic.

The response after the meeting was more decisive. After Chandler’s interim superintendent, Franklin Narducci, learned about what had happened, he got in touch with representatives of the Jewish community. Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, praised the district’s outreach to and collaboration with the Jewish community. So did Rabbi Michael Beyo, CEO of the East Valley Jewish Community Center in Chandler, who said he is pleased and grateful that Narducci sought to collaborate.

“An ignorant person made an antisemitic comment. That’s not newsworthy,” Bevo said. “What is important is that the superintendent canceled all of his meetings [Thursday] in order to deal with this.” Narducci collaborated with Beyo to craft a statement that condemned hate speech and denounced the antisemitic statements….

Where was the “Jewish outrage” when Jewish professor Jonathan Judakin wrote an essay published by the Jewish website Tikkun Olam admitting the Critical Race Theory has “Jewish roots” — and benefits Jews?

Where was the “Jewish outrage” — and furious letters of demands from the ADL — when the Jerusalem Post published an article in 2020 admitting that all the COVID vaccines “just so happened” to be developed and promoted by Jews?

At no point did any of these Jewish advocacy groups call Melanie Rettler a liar — because they can’t — so they call her an “antisemite” hoping that will somehow stop everyone from looking into the veracity of what she stated.

They certainly cannot tolerate a free and open debate about this (or any) issue — especially their sacred cow, the “Holocaust” — so they resort to censorship — and use violence to enforce it if necessary — one of those great “Jewish values” they love to extoll.

Instead of honest debate, the Jews do what they do best — gaslight the goyim, smear them as “antisemites”, and then resort to legalism — furiously searching the “laws” to find out how they can use their army of lawyers to bludgeon everyone involved into silent submission.

And note how these Jewish groups all but admitted that they prompted the U.S. Justice Department — now headed by the Jewish name-changing Attorney General, Garland “Merrick” Rosenman — whose family allegedly personally profits from the promotion of Critical Race Theory — and who allegedly has used the FBI to investigate and prosecute parents as “domestic terrorists” who object to having books with explicit gay pornography — another Jewish value and “blessing” — forced on to their children.

And Jews scratch their heads and wonder, “Why is there so much antisemitism?

Jewish supremacists know that local school board meetings are one of the last places left in America where average citizens can still speak truth to power — and have a real influence on their own communities — which is why the Jewish Attorney General wants them silenced as “terrorists” once and for all.

Legalistic Jews take advantage of the fact that every public school in America accepts Federal funding — and therefore can be coerced and threatened if the schools allow any speech that the Jews don’t approve of.

No amount of hollow Jewish “outrage” or crocodile tears can change the facts — by their own admission, Jews are indeed behind Critical Race Theory and COVID vaccine mandates.

Ultimately, the Jews really don’t care that “the goyim know” — just as long as they are too afraid to mention it above a whisper.


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