Dec. 4th Total Solar Eclipse + February, 2022 Pluto Return = Beginning of New USA in 2022/2023

“This Total Solar Eclipse falls exactly within 1’ (!) of exactitude on the Ascendant, the identity of the US in the chart set for 4th July 1776 Philadelphia at 17.10.  Coming so close to the Pluto Return in the USA which comes to its first exact conjunction in February next year but will be felt all through 2022 and 2023 this strongly suggests a major new beginning and ultimately a rebirth … maybe even a redefinition, of the US in every sense: economically, constitutionally and maybe even geographically (ie which states make up the US).  This won’t just be relevant to the US as it will have ripples globally, particularly economically and politically. These Eclipses will set us up for what unfolds in 2022.”

Submitted by Astrologer Pam Gregory
December Newsletter
The Next Step


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