Planning Bombing the WTC- The B Thing
METHODICAL DECEPTION: Neocons, Mossad & Premeditated Murder — Rebekah Roth Please watch, it’s always better then my summary.
THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 from Cheney to Mossad
Spring in NYC before 9-11, articles and a book was published of Gelatin, an Israel Artist Group, who were given access to all areas of the WTC and who actually lived there in the building 91st ? floor..
They cut out a window, (93rd floor) put a balcony temporary outside, and each posed for their picture as a helicopter circled the building and took their individual photo while standing in that opening.
Incredible story of course. I looked back. I had info on this 10 years ago, but the original New York Times & art museum displays are still on the web.
This was all done just months before the towers were destroyed.
At bottom I give you some of the pages of the book they published just before the demolition / collapse of the WTC.
They depicted people jumping from the building, the building being crushed, and talked of how ugly that building was in the city.
Watch the lead video.
If you have courage, also watch the direct connection From Cheney to Mossad
They were spotted cheering on a roof top on the collapse of the buildings. They filmed the collapse from a distance.
These students were arrest and questioned and released.
When they returned to Israel on their public TV, they proclaimed they had come to NYC
to document (photo/ video) the event (the collapse of the World Trade Towers).
How could they document the collapse, filming it, without having pre knowledge that it would be collapsed ?
At the end I list book marked web pages that confirm all this information was published publically before the World Trade Towers were destroyed.
The truck they were driving around in shows a plane crashing into the World Trade Towers – before the event !
Not only did they publicize their setting all this up, but they flaunt that they have done it.
Here is video of the helicopter flying around the World Trade Tower,
photographing people who stood in the window on the 91st floor. Link worked 11/8/2015
Why would people want this free photos of themselves only showing on the face of the building ?
Because soon the building would be destroyed, and no one else could have such a photo.
The B Thing was published in a book and an art exhibit, and featured in New York Times
before the Towers were destroyed (in March 2001) Towers went down in Sept 2001
Cutting a window out and pushing a short balcony out the window was totally illegal on 91st floor,
but these Israelites Students got a free pass to travel anywhere in the World Trade Tower as their floors 91 to 93 ? were undergoing construction or changes or upgrades.
The photos of them working on these floors showed boxes floor to ceiling of explosion fuses.
The name of the art group, Gelatin is also the name of an explosive fuse.
Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World – Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities –
Could a Team of “Artists” Really Been the Ones Who Rigged the World Trade Centers with Explosives • FPRN Radio
Gelatin — The B Thing – Political Conspiracies – The Education Forum
Mark Dotzler – Thoughts on the WTC Artists Rob Scholte Museum
METHODICAL DECEPTION Neocons, Mossad & Premeditated Murder — Rebekah Roth – YouTube
The B-Thing ( Projects )
The B-thing (Book, 2001) []
THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE 9-11 From Cheney to Mossad – YouTube
US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation – Telegraph
» Could a Team of “Artists” Really Been the Ones Who Rigged the World Trade Centers with Explosives