Advice for Patriots in Preparation for the Second American Revolution

Comment posted by Raymond Aubrac

We are reaching the point when the American People and the American Spirit that is still in us has to TAKE OVER THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR OWN GOVERNANCE AND IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN FINANCES.

Exercise your Second Amendment rights. Stock up on ammo. Make sure you’ve organized your team. Train. Plan the defense of your area.

Resistance starts at the LOCAL LEVEL among trusted people. Subsidiarity is the principle by which our country went into a revolution against a completely detached government. Resistance at the local level then later spreads because of connections to other places through your trusted people. This is how the AMERICAN Revolution worked and the US Constitution PLUS the Bill of Rights was established.

The First Stage of Resistance is NON-COMPLIANCE to the UNCONSTITUTIONAL orders, agencies, decrees, etc. of the supposed ‘authorities’, whether at the federal or state level. Keep them OUT of your areas (townships and counties). Secure your supplies. Build connections with other resistance areas. The psychopaths have NO POWER if you DON’T RECOGNIZE AND COMPLY.

There are 450+ million firearms distributed among most likely 300+ million Americans who want the rule of law returned under the guise of the founding principles of this country. Not ONLY conservatives, but liberals (in the old 60s and 70s sense). All Democrats are not your enemy and all Republicans are not your friends.

Real Americans have to REBUILD this country from the ground up, starting with your neighborhood, then township/school district, then county, then state. For the moment the federal government must just be rendered IRRELEVANT because too distant from our daily, immediate concerns. To do all this we have to get rid of corrupt bureaucrats and politicians that permeate every level of government (which pretty much means everyone), all put in place by a pseudo-voting system used to create the ILLUSION that we had a say.


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