Dr. Tenpenny Is Guilty of Practicing Medicine

Dr. Joseph Sansone

The Ancient Greek cult of Asclepius the Greek god of healing, gave birth to Western medicine. It was in this dream/hypnosis cult that Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, practiced on the island of Kos. The caduceus, the staff with snakes around is symbolic of Asclepius and the Asklipian physician priests that carried a staff in the right arm and a non venomous (no extinct) yellow and black snake in the left. To this day doctors still take the Hippocratic oath to first do no harm.

Somewhere in the 1920s and 1930s medicine was hijacked by big pharma and big government. This situation has amplified over the decades into an outright war on medicine. The latest casualty in the big pharma and the government war on medicine, was Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.

Fake news reported “A Cleveland doctor who in 2021 falsely claimed COVID-19 vaccines magnetized people has had her medical license indefinitely suspended.” Of course, anybody that actually tested C19 ‘vaccine’ injected with magnets, did come across people that had magnets sticking to them.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good hit piece…

The local NBC affiliate also reported that C19 ‘vaccines’ do not contain metal or microchips. Fair enough, except that the evidence suggests that they do in fact contain metal and possibly microchips. This video contains evidence of metals and self assembling nanotechnology in the C19 vials. Nanotechnology has also been found in monoclonal antibodies. In this 58 minute presentation Dr. Ana Mihalcea documents evidence of self assembling nanotechnology in the blood of the ‘vaccinated’ and the unvaccinated from shedding. Dr. Mihalcea even documents the blood from an eight month old cadaver still showing the AI self assembly occurring. She also shows how the self assembling technology creates blue fibers that appear to become rubbery biosynthetic blood clots and demonstrates how they can’t be pulled apart with her hands.

Unfortunately, the same self assembling nanotechnology found in the C19 vials and the blood of people from the C19 injections has also been found in Insulin. Dr. Mihalcea examined my Lantus and Humalog insulin and found this AI self assembly occurring in my insulin and in other people’s insulin. In this video presentation she shares her findings from Lantus insulin. These findings were confirmed by Dr. David Nixon in Australia. In this short 5 minute video, Dr. Mihalcea using dark field microscopy, films what appear to be a few microchips forming in dental anesthetics.

This is generally what is called evidence to support the hypothesis that there is metal, hydrogels, and even self-assembling microchips, in the C19 injections, other medications, and unfortunately, the blood of people as a result of the injections.

The NBC affiliate seems to make hay of the fact that Dr. Tenpenny hypothesized a potential link between the C19 injections and 5G towers. Given that there is self assembling nanotechnology in the C19 injections, is it a far leap to assert that the 5G towers that were immediately installed during the initial lockdowns are some how connected?

I am old enough to remember when the news media used to ask questions instead of running cover for big pharma and the government, or worse, pretend to be an omniscient arbiter of truth and quote left wing censorship organizations claiming to be fact checkers.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is not the first martyred doctor. Dr. Meryl Nash had her licensed suspended a couple years ago for prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which are both reported to be helpful for Covid patients. However, big media monopolies thrive on big pharma advertising and routinely deny their effectiveness. The Maine Monitor continued to pimp for big pharma when they did a recent hit piece on Dr. Nash. The Maine Monitor is actually still claiming that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are ineffective treatments. In his book The War on Ivermectin, Dr. Pierre Kory debunked the myth propagated by media monopolies and big pharma that Ivermectin was not safe or effective. Dr. Pierre Kory was another doctor that was targeted. Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Sucharit Bhakti, and others have been attacked for the crime of practicing medicine.

In June of 2021, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny testified in the Ohio state health committee in favor of medical freedom and against forced ‘vaccination’ of human beings against their will. In this informative and articulate testimony, she gave early warnings about deadly blood clots, cardiovascular issues, dementia, ALS, and cancer, and a host or other health issues now shown to result from C19 injections. Dr. Tenpenny made this free choice argument before it was well known that C19 injections are bioweapons.

According to the fake news outlet, the stated reason for the suspension was on procedural grounds because Dr. Tenpenny refused to participate with the investigation because she felt there was no lawful basis for the investigation. As a result, Dr. Tenpenny’s license was suspended indefinitely. It would appear that Dr. Tenpenny was targeted for her fact based testimony giving early warnings about the dangers now shown to result from C19 injections.

According to another fake news outlet:

After video of the hearing went viral, the medical board received more than 350 complaints regarding Tenpenny. The board asked Tenpenny for her evidence and sources to back up her claims about the COVID-19 vaccines, including an allegation that it was a ruse to inject people with genetic material and that patients suffered multiple complications.

Thus, the complaints were apparently not from patients, the complaints were for political reasons. Brain washed people and or paid minions filed complaints. Ignore the fact that Pfizer’s own data from June of 2022 showed 5 million serious adverse effects. Besides the fact that Dr. Tenpenny was correct on the C19 injections being unsafe and ineffective, she was also correct that the board had no basis for their inquiry. The board’s jurisdiction is not over public speech. That would make the board diametrically opposed to the First Amendment and an illegal institution.

Americans have been targeted with bioweapons by their own government. The pharmaceutical industry has been weaponized against the American people, and in fact against the world. Almost every politician is a coward, corrupt, or simply out of touch.

How many pharmaceutical CEOs have been arrested? How many politicians and government employees have been arrested? How many medical doctors have lost their licenses for lying to their patients and participating in the deployment of bioweapons? How many medical doctors and healthcare workers have lost their licenses for denying healthcare to people that did not get injected with these bioweapons? How many people have been charged with racketeering or bioweapon law violations?

I know, now I’m ranting…

It seems awfully coincidental that the doctors that are having their licenses suspended or revoked are the doctors that are not pimping for big pharma. Doctors that practiced medicine, used critical thinking, consulted with each other, provided early treatment using safe effective and inexpensive drugs to treat patients, are targeted.

The protocol that was implemented nationally in a one size fits all centrally planned disaster by design, was to not treat people, wait till they got sick, send them to the hospital, then cash in and kill them with remdesivir. Whether you believe Covid was a psyop, the result of gain of function research, or a synthetic pathogen, or even if you believe the crazy story that it was the product of a wet market and came from bats, you can’t believe that denying early treatment is medically sound advice.

If doctors’ licenses are going to be targeted, it should be the doctors that followed that crazy protocol to deny early treatment and doctors that recommended that their patients take a bioweapon. Let’s not forget the doctors that pretend their patients aren’t C19 ‘vaccine’ injured. Instead, the doctors that have ethics and a conscience are attacked and targeted.

So, there you have it, Dr. Tenpenny has upheld the Hippocratic Oath. Dr. Tenpenny is most certainly guilty of practicing medicine.


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