“Western countries aren’t “committing suicide”, they’re being deliberately murdered!”

IMO, western countries aren’t “committing suicide,” they’re being deliberately murdered. And the one thing I cannot understand is why none of those commenting on this phenomenon will NOT identify those most responsible. And by “those most responsible” I refer to the traditional enemies of White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants, specifically Zionist globalist Jews and the Roman Catholic Church, which is now being controlled by Jesuits.

More than any other groups, these two groups are the greatest proponents of open borders and unlimited illegal immigration. This fact is easily verified: I can site a petition signed by 1500+ rabbis “in support of welcoming refugees.” And there is more than enough proof of the role being played by the Jesuit controlled Catholic Church in Michelle Malkin’s book Open Borders Inc. Her book is incredibly well documented.

As a side note, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security, came right out of HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and into Biden’s cabinet. And he keeps telling us that the border is secure. Also, there are an estimated 28 Jews in creepy Joe Biden’s cabinet.

Can you explain why these two groups are never mentioned by those commenting on the ongoing invasion? Have we indeed become a nation of cowards, hypocrites, and ignoramuses?

Comment posted by James Calvert


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