CAITLAN COLLINS: A 32-Year-Old Child with a CNN Mouthpiece and a BIG Mouth (And they aren’t even embarrassed by this juvenile media hitman)

See how the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is now hiring extremely ignorant and immature girls to function
as agents of chaos in order to advance the agenda of
Cultural Marxism in the video below.  All of these
hardcore feminazi journalists are trained by the
U.S. Intelligence Community to sow seeds of chaos,
confusion and conflict at the expense of their own
reputations. CNN’s Caitlan Collins is one of the most childish and embarrassing of the latest crop to
graduate from the CIA’s “School of Disinformation,
Misinformation and False Information”. Dreadfully nauseating and terribly self-humiliating is the only
way to describe her exceedingly bad performance.
It’s also clear from her conduct throughout this
highly unprofessional interview that she’s on ‘performance-enhancing drugs’.  How else could
she come off as such a bad actor–DURING PRIME
TIME–and think nothing of it.  Just WOW!!!

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